jimboe85's picture
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dbol dosages....split em up or no?


I'm curious as I'm running dbol 50mg a day...I don't know if it would be mor effective to run 25mg every 12 hours or pop 50mg before I train? I am not very educated on dbol and half life and shit like that....thanks.

tyrantlabs's picture

I always take the entire dose 1 hour prior to working out. I sometimes chew them. I want the oral peaking while working out.

Big_Al's picture

If you split them you will missing out on the peak dose of 50mg and instead just have 25mg. Stable levels is the argument for splitting them but you will not get stable levels with Dbols unless your gonna wake up during the night to take some pills as by the time you wake up they are gone from your system and u start all over again..so don't waste time splitting them and missing out on the peak effect of 50mg.

blackops79's picture

The half life is not that short. Night dosing is not needed.

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Big_Al's picture

half life of 4-5 hours..you must have a short sleep. Smile

ashop's picture

They will work either way,,but I think splitting them is best.
AM/NOON/PM and 1hr before training.

blackops79's picture

I hear you but I dont think this question really needs that info, hehe.

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blackops79's picture

Split it up. Aas is always best used bg having as stable of blood levels as possible all day. Ive done 1,2,3, and 4 times per day. Like 3 times best. Morning, couple hours pre workout and post workout.

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teesquaredt2's picture

Personally I think all an hour pre workout is best. I don't like the idea of something super toxic constantly being passed through my liver or in my blood all hours of the day for weeks on end. I've tried m1t and dbol in the past and split them and took them all at once and found all at once gave me the best lift... I use the rest of my day recovering with food. And some long ester oils of course Smile

blackops79's picture

You think that splitting it up is more toxic than a large dose at once? I would actually think it the other way around.

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poofinger's picture

My favorite: (OMG 2 orals at once!!!! down vote this moron!!)
50mg dbol AM
50mg drol PM

Half life of dbol?? been blown outa the water years ago, daily dosing it builds up in ya system abit, try it both ways on different cycles and youl see theres no difference.

xroids's picture

Doing 2 divided doses is a great way to take this oral.

gbc23's picture

Split them up depending on your traing schedule. Try to keep it 1 hour prior to workout.

landojacked's picture

i take 10mg wen i wake then 20mgs hour before gym then 20mg after gym...

Vanilla-Gorilla's picture

As you can see by the replies diffent dosages, intervals and time of day along with various blood levels, body chemistry and personal preference can all be factors. You really have to "feel" yourself out and do what's best for you. I do however favor the 50ml/day split, 1 early, 1 pre-workout. Makes for good gains and great pumps during training.

logan's picture

As of now science says no matter what AAS you are taking you should keep plasma levels as even as possible. So if the half life is 4 hours then take 3x's a day for injectables 1 week then twice a week and so on. Keep levels as stable as possible.

jimboe85's picture

Good looks. I'm guna do 25mg when I wake up and 25mg before gym...and if I lift in the AM then ill just take the 25mg later in the day after my workout....appreciate the feedback....also I have 25mg capsules so I can't really split em up more than that unless I remeasure them out and FUCK THAT...I would be worried that I put all 25 in one capsule and all filler in another...I don't wanna empty them out it would be a pain in the ass

Bennyblanco's picture

I usually take 30mg an hour before workout, then take 20mg in the evening later on. I have taken them all at once before too, personally I dont really notice much difference.

monsterD996's picture

Right before workout I've found to work best.
Give it a try see what you like best.

anonymity's picture

Have done quite a bit of experimenting with dbol in divided doses vs once daily. What I found was that a once daily pre-workout dose gave me greater strength gains, while dividing my dose helped more with gaining mass.

The argument comes down to a high peak blood level versus a more stable level. If you want mass gains bro, divide your dose with 10mg every 3 hours

kevin777's picture

I like to split em up every 4 hours bro.

inked's picture

I'm going to be doing 25mg AM and 25mg before the gym

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fast48's picture

Back pumps suck! Feels like ya just did Hella stiff dead lifts and all you really did was walk too far. Walking dogs on beach was excruciating.

fast48's picture

I liked 12hr split.