press1's picture
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+ 12 How Old were you when you first ran Steroids?

  • No shaming, just be honest!

How Old were you when you first ran Steroids?

Under 20
14% (20 votes)
20 to 29 years old
49% (72 votes)
30 to 39 years old
27% (39 votes)
40 to 49 years old
9% (13 votes)
50 to 59 years old
1% (2 votes)
60 Plus +
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 146
Joesh's picture

47 The struggle was real. Now the gainz are solid and I feel amazing! Plus, competition before 50...I think so!

5percent4life's picture
  1. Grew up around bodybuilding and knew it was a lifelong choice with plenty of formal and informal education on what I was getting into
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Rayan's picture

Start at 23 years or 24 years... now i have 42 years

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Badgoat1's picture

30 for me. But probably should've been on TRT before that because my range on blood test would always come back in the low 300s. Took the plunge and still cycle on and off.

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Wambamthanks's picture

Started TRT at 41 years old, 4 months ago doing 200 mg a week pinned ed. TRT clinic is allowing a high weekly dosage for now. Planning my first 500mg test cycle in 3 months once I drop body fat down from 18%.

Sirjtmorgan's picture

The way things are going. Need promo got subs.

wanted's picture

One of these pictures is WINKING at me. But i cant tell wich one yet

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simonmagus84's picture

See press, I’m not into ham sandwiches. That first picture looks like raw bacon between two powdered donuts

Sirjtmorgan's picture

Yes she's a biggin.

press1's picture

Yeah I'll agree - that is a pretty nasty picture. Not even sure what I'm looking at half the time there - is it an ass or cottage cheese?

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simonmagus84's picture

If I’m not mistaken there’s a little hair there too by the left cheek.

press1's picture

Yep its in dire need of a good waxing ...

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wanted's picture

So you like the closed clam look lol

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simonmagus84's picture

I’m more of a caramel roast beef kind of guy. I’m not into ham sandwiches

Sirjtmorgan's picture

Look at how smooth and pink,tight. Gorilla Glue#4

alekaras's picture

Surely does, lol

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press1's picture

Could this be a case of Assholism?

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Greg's picture

I'm confused with this set of pictures. Are you implying you're smuggling pot across the border? If so, you're in violation of the rules. DO NOT SHOW PACKAGING OF ANY KIND!

Sirjtmorgan's picture

How do you take down a pic?

KMC's picture

How do you take down a pic?

This is the internet, what is posted, ......stays FOREVER !!!!

Owes a Review × 1
Greg's picture

Why? I'm still making copies.

alekaras's picture


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Sirjtmorgan's picture

Oh my bad totally, got your attention. Try to figure out this works. A buddy of mine sent me here, said you would look out. Sorry

press1's picture

You have been found Guilty of Assholism by senior members are are hereby ordered to remove the Offending picture within 24hrs - failure to do so will result in a permanent promo ban and continued sexual abuse by the House Gimp.

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Sirjtmorgan's picture

I need some help. I have a gym, but not putting on the muscle

press1's picture

You are best putting this up as a Forum post buddy and outlining your current training program, diet and previous experience.

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Sirjtmorgan's picture

How do I take it down?

glowinthedark's picture

Is that black stuff on the bud mold?

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Dragoon's picture

33 for me when I did my first cycle 250 sust and 30mg dbal x 4 weeks to kick start.

Onetimehitta's picture

32 for me. I licked crotches on dirty stretchy pants worn by Mexican wrestlers. Those were the days such great company and a priceless experience.

Onetimehitta's picture

Hahaha Epic!!

Greg's picture
illmatic518's picture

I was 41 I was in top peak performance but a fellow combat vet gave me a concoction he put together and in 11 weeks I was transformed no joke. I only wish I did it earlier in my life

BigSwole77's picture

My first run was when I was 17, It was Stenox. I turned into a monster. Way too early

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

I was 30 when I first run propionate only cycle for 6 weeks. What a great memory :))

press1's picture

I definitely hear ya on that mate - the first time that Test prop kicks in you think What The F********K!!!!! This is awesome - why the hell didn't I do this sooner?! LMAO Life takes on a whole new perspective doesn't it Biggrin

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

I was kinda scared honestly. Went through war literaly, yet still worying about the sides of steroids. That's why I didn't started sooner, but got your point, yeah it was amazing ffs. :))

press1's picture

Buddy I was exactly the same too! I was aware that if I was going to inject something into my body there was every chance I could not like the feeling of it and I would feel ill for days on end and could do nothing about it other than let it run its course. I didn't want to feel like that all day at work either. Plus I was scared to death of needles and injecting myself.

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MarkusMcGuire's picture

I jumped on the first chance I got to do a cycle at 18yrs old. I wish I knew then what I know now. I would have waited if we had the information and resources available back then (1999) that we have now. We were just shooting in the dark with no knowledge of the science behind it. Pun intended.

laxman3221's picture

I have lifted on and off throughout my life and had mde some good gains when my T was low. At 53 I started TRT and decided to do my first cycle 6 month into trt.

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whiteNcrispy's picture

I trained until I was 33, hitting some pretty big numbers like a 700 deadlift about a month before deciding to get bloodwork done. I found out my natty test was only 325 ng/dL. Satisfied with my accomplishments, apparently with such low natty test, I decided a year later, after A LOT of research, to take the plunge. I'm now 44 and have run a good amount of gear in the last decade.

press1's picture

Nice lifting there bud!! 700 was the area I remember seeing Pete Rubish saying he hit before he went on gear and peaked his deadlift out. How much extra weight on the bar did you manage to achieve then after running gear until now?

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Therealmassmaster's picture

28 years of training and competing before i used the Force

Greg's picture

You waited until you were naturally big and strong enough to force people to give you steroids? That's focus on the long game right there.