FlemDaddyKush's picture
  • 629

+ 5 Armani tren A 200 n test prop


Forgot to post this when I got it. I love arni oils, nice thin smooth oil. Tren A 200 had minor pip but that's to be expected. Test prop was great as usual as so was the tren.

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Double A's picture

A classic combo! Thanks for posting, FlemDaddy :-)

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Always will. Hey you got some people looking for some test prop 200!

Brolly6898's picture

I love Armani tren ace I've ran up too 100mgs a day

press1's picture

He must do Test Prop 200mg/ml if he does the Tren 200 does he?

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

I would of gotten test prop 200 if he had it lol. I wish. He used to sell it.

press1's picture

I love the stuff - ain't seen anyone making it in a long time though Sad

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

I think it's cuz alot of people get pip with regular test prop so t prop 200 would be killer. But I don't really get any pip with test prop so I would love test prop 200.

press1's picture

Thats definitely the reason - there are that many people that moan on about PIP that the brewers don't dare make anything slightly bity. God forbid they break a nail on a weight in the gym LMFAO

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah I thought I was the only person that didn't get pip from test prop haha, at least there's another. Yeah some t prop 200 would be awesome, not having to inject 1cc daily during a cycle

FlemDaddyKush's picture

You should. He's a hidden gem. Best brewer too

Willy1991's picture

That tren 200 looks serious bro!

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TonyGchisel508's picture

I love his tren I can literally taste it before I can get the whole shot In

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Yeah it was nice haha