bigjman92's picture
  • 125

+ 5 Pure Anabolics/87 Testosterone Bloods


First time ordering anything from them and all I can say is this is the real deal. They had jano tests on their gear and saw the test E came out to 350 mg/ml (label says 300 mg). It's slightly overdosed so I've been pinning 0.35 ml twice weekly which comes out to 250 mg per week. Pinned on Monday and tested Tuesday am. Been running this for 14 weeks and will now drop to 175 MG per week to get back to TRT levels. I like low test cycles with no orals and just with hgh. No more tren, deca or any of that other stuff. Test is king!

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Jonwiggs8's picture

fuckin' AWESOME!!!

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Wildling's picture

That's whats up

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