pro1's picture
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category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 1 Quality 100% 1 Delivery 100% 1 Service 100% 1 Pricing 100% 1
misterD's picture
My overall experience

i caught wind of raging bull a little over a month ago, i emailed them and discussed a few things with them and what i was looking for in a source and i couldnt believe the service, i heard from them several times in the same day, very clear and thorough as far as pricing and inventory and payment methods. Generally you can only get one question answered at a time from sources or no answer at all. Or just get all your money taken from bigdpharm after giving them 2500 a month. anyhow, i have made 4 or 5 transactions with ragingbull and everything is just flawless, the only delay i had works to the advantage of creating an amazing reputation for a lab, we had a delay on 20 test e due to the potency being what r.b.l considered low, which i think was around 89% so they tossed the entire batch and sent me 20 that were 100% pure. crystal clear, shoots smooth, and a 2 maybe on 1 to 10 scale of pain the next day and that was a 2cc quad shot, so it was more likely the volume of oil than the gear itself. no swelling or irritation at all, just perfect. and honestly, and i spoke with him about this as well, i havent really felt any results or seen much from test itself in yrs(i know internally its working, but havent seen quick or noticeable results since probably the ooold axio stuff), he agreed and said he was feeling the same until creating this lab. anyhow, i feel fuller, more volumous, harder, more vascular and round, front delts are popping, just everything you could want when you think of steriods, in just a few weeks. which is pretty amazing considering its enth, which takes about that long to release anyways. and it used to be that if i missed a meal or slept like shit that i was flat or weak or impossible to get a pump. last night i slept for 5hrs, had half a dunkin donuts sandwich, worked from 8am to 6pm before eating a decent meal and making it to the gym expecting just shit, and it was like a switch, as soon as the blood started flowing i was full and pumped and strong and vascular. and everyone around me using it agrees. just awesome stuff and finally for the first time in yrs a lab worth talking about. and its not just the test, its the tren enth, its the deca, the cialis, the nolvadex, the dbol 50s, and i cannot wait to get my hands on their mastron when they release it. point is, no matter what the ratings here say, they are number one. awesome shit.

Products, effectiveness and results

so far about 100 bottles of test enth, deca, tren enth, dbol, nolva, anavar, cialis

Customer service

outstanding. no other word to use

Shipping and Delivery

packaging is little and inconspicuous, always about 3 days and were on the other end of the country

Price to performance
Additional comments

i havent had results this noticeable since my first cycle, delts are capped on all 3 heads, chest is always full top to bottom, every muscle seems to be responding just like i want it to, its just great stuff. i dont know raginbull personally, i dont social network, i dont even like to get on the computer aside from purchasing gear lol. so it takes alot for me to log in to eroids and spend time out of my day to review anyone. but ive never seen quality in gear like this say probably ever, and absolutely have never dealt with a more clear and thorough supplier.

I recommend shopping here!
Gymjunkie01's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Had many conversations with Pro1 and he seems like a good dude trying to provide quality gear at the fastest T/A out there. I can usually spot a fake but he seem a genuinely good guy that cares about his customers . Give him a chance you won't be disappointed !! I'm not

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

1 bottle of proviron 25 mg x 50 tabs

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pro1 was very fast to answer any emails I had about products quickly and politely answered my questions.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

T/A was the fastest I've see less than 2 days in the last order. Pack came very discretely packed and secure

Price to performance
Additional comments

As a new domestic src he his deff making a name for him self .. Top notch gear with labs to back it up!! Top notch quality service and the fastest T/A I've ever seen. He is going to be a src to contend with.

I recommend shopping here!