Testo e 400
Test Enanthate by Para Pharma

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Effectiveness 0 0 Credibility 0 0 Side Effects / Pip 0 0 Overall 0 0
ChrisFoz's picture
Product Effectiveness
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Feels bang on everytime, had my bloods taken towards the end of the trt period and my test was just slightly higher than average which is what i was aiming for and everything else was in check which shows me its a good product doing what it is meant to

Product Credibility
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Heard good things about para pharma products, after trying a few other websites in the past i found ugfreak and they have never let me down with their para pharma products. Good pricing and effective products

Side effects and PIP
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Very little side effects, a little sore pip but nothing out the ordinary, i do left glute and then right glute twice weekly and never have an issue reinjecting in the same glute by the time the week comes back around. Can be a bit sore to sit down etc the following day or 2 but i feel like if this is something your into then you should expect some side effect or pain whether it be training or injecting

Final Verdict
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I really like test e 400, for me this is better than e 250 due to me doing trt on 200ml a week and when blasting im doing 600ml so its a lot easier to dose. Dose it twice weekly to keep bloods even as possible, left glute and right glute alternate, little sore sometimes day after shot but never an issue by time i next pin the same cheek

I recommend this product!
Bocce's picture
Product Effectiveness
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I only used the product for 3 weeks cutting my 16-week cycle short.
I was aiming for 600mg a week, but after the first few shots, I developed horrific PIP and immune reactions.
Typically my previous lab's supply of Test enth (300mg/ml) is clear or slightly amber - this PP vial was rust coloured, dark as fuck. It should have been a warning sign!

Product Credibility
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I have heard good things about Parapharma, so not too quick to write them off. But my experience using Testo E 400 was the single WORST experience I have had using gear. I have had mild PIP before. But this swelled up to the size of a billiard ball on my ass with every shot, to the point where I couldn't even rotate to my next shot because that was still PIPpy from the last one. The welts lasted for 4-9 days, couldn't squat, couldn't walk, sit, drive or even lie on my back. Even brushing my pants against it was enough to make me keel over. I also had a horrible immune reaction after every shot like clockwork. Cold chills, aches, tiredness, fever - no point taking gear if you're not even well enough to go train and eat.

Side effects and PIP
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After a bit of reading around PP seems to use MIGLYCOL as their carrier, which is notoriously PIPpy, especially compared to grapeseed or other common carrier oils.
Also, the high conc of 400mg/ml doesn't seem like that much, but my previous vials of Test enth at 250-300 depending on labs were clear - this was dark rust. So it's either contaminated with something like tren? - OR the solvents used to get the gear into suspension do not agree with the immune system. You could probably get some sterile oil and dilute it down to 200mg/ml - but I just binned the rest of the 6-7mls because I wont ever use it or wish it on anyone.

Final Verdict
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The vial I received was dark amber / almost rust-coloured - Parapharma Testo E 400.
The first few days weren't too bad, but this vial by far was the WORST experience I have had using a UGL .
Every shot was followed by horrific PIP - which would last on each VG for 4-9 days swelling to the size of a golf ball.
I also got flu-like symptoms - ache, chills, tiredness, fever 24 hours after EVERY shot.
I was aiming for 16 weeks at 600mg/week - dosed at 0.75ml every 3.5 days, shots to the VG using 25G 1"
Ended up cutting my cycle short at 3 weeks, going with another source and binning the vial.
I have heard good things about PP, perhaps I got a bad batch but I am wary of high conc (>300mg/ml) vials. I may give their Testo 250 a go at a later date, but the testo e 400 is a pass in my book.

I do not recommend this product!
  • Letsbelievein » I had this exact same experience, just changed to cyp, got blood work done and now my levels are lower than normal on cycle considerably. Idk if we just hit a rough patch in their manufacturing but I’ve used them for years but that was brutal
theandyallen's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
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As expected

Product Credibility
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Love the long ether in the Test E 400. Oil is clear, product is packaged well. I Do recommend trying it out!

Side effects and PIP
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To say I'm an advanced user would be too much. I'm in the recreational fitness league.
That being said, I've gone through my share of gear. A LITTLE pip is expected in a slow release like enanthate tends to be. This particular run has been so painful after injection, I considered abandoning and starting from scratch.
22g 1" pin
Stick in L or R glutes, below the belt line. After injection, surrounding area became extremely inflamed and noticeably more swollen, but would just about subdue when it was time for me to LITERALLY Turn the other cheek for the same effect. Is this to be expected?

Final Verdict
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A little more pip than the usual. Pinning 1x a week at 400mg. Decent gains, but only able to pin one cheek per week (LOL) because of the redness and a little slower absorption into the body.
Running Winny 50mg as well, but that's for another page.

Anyone else have this experience?

I recommend this product!
  • Letsbelievein » Identical
  • Rustyhooker » You havent been around gear to not know any better....
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