Tron's picture
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Conor McGregor vs Cowboy Cerrone


Awesome trailer

Who wins fellas/ladies? Cerrone or McGregor?

Bulkdaddy's picture

Connor is back. A lot of people lost money on that fight.

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TheFlash85's picture


ashop's picture

Cowboy for the upset!

BESTGEAR.WS's picture

I want good Conor comeback, I like him)))
As I hear he training all this time

IRONWarrior99's picture

Cowboy!! I’ve been watching him since his WEC days! Dudes sick!!

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Zalewski's picture

Cowboy all the way

Bulkdaddy's picture

I like Connor but I’m American first.

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Redmanlfc's picture

Tricky one to call tbhw, I really hope cowboy does it, he deserves it and Connor just a turd. BUT if Connor take it seriously I would imagine he is going to have much better movement than Cowboy, can’t see him having the power to finish Cowboy at 170 but I could definitely see if going the distance and Connor winning by decision. Absolute BS that they are talking about if Connor wins he gets a title fight/rematch with Khabib, definitely does not deserve that.

Cochise's picture

Hell yea

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