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+ 5 What's the Longest Period of Time you have stayed on Blast & Cruise for?


I am putting up this Poll for Simon Magnus who came up with the idea in relation to his recent successful attempt at Totally Recovering his natural Testosterone levels after being on Blast and Cruise for 16 months.

If you successfully managed to recover your own Test levels when you came off then please detail the protocol you used in the comments section below together with the Level (number) you achieved if possible, so we can have a good understanding of what is possible after various numbers of years of being on constant AAS use Smile


What's the Longest Period of Time you have stayed on Blast & Cruise for?

Up to 6 months
13% (11 votes)
6 months to 1 year
21% (17 votes)
1 to 2 years
26% (21 votes)
3 to 4 years
16% (13 votes)
4 to 5 years
5% (4 votes)
5 to 7 years
2% (2 votes)
7 to 10 years
5% (4 votes)
10 years plus
12% (10 votes)
Total votes: 82
anvil's picture

I think its individual, but we do see many pro/semi pro guys having kids. And I know a lot of people have commented on eroids about the same thing. I was on when my son was hatched. Cbum just had a kid during his 5 year Olympia rein.

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Stokes500's picture

You know what they say … mummy’s baby daddy’s maybe

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Jockstrap's picture

If i ran eq 20 weeks i went with the full pct barrage for 6 weeks and that went on with good recovery for 15yrs. All pharma pct.

Rosschestzip's picture

So you did a cycle 15 Years ago and nothing since?

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Jockstrap's picture

Ran normal cycles around 15yrs before trt needed. On + pct = time off.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ohhh wow good shit man

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Jockstrap's picture

Probably a lot of luck. Many others get bit early on. All we can do is be prepared and plan accordingly

Rosschestzip's picture

Maybe lucky, but I’d say you put that work in and you reaped the benefits

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sandman3698's picture

Nice. I have been wondering about doing this for the past year after watching thomas maw. Cant remember exactly but I believe he said he blasted and cruised for 8 years. Came off and recovered his natural production without pct. Again I THINK he said it took him around 10 months to a year for it to fully recover. If someone knows for sure correct me, but Im pretty sure those were his numbers.

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press1's picture

I can imagine in time it does recover, I have spoken to multiple members where they went to prison whilst on cycle and had no option of PCT - just literally went cold turkey in their cell and in time recovered. Quite what that kind of mental hell must feel like I'm not too sure! I wonder what they used in the very early years of using AAS?

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sandman3698's picture

I remember people saying that they didnt use pct. Im sure there had to have been some tapering off though.

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UncleYoked's picture

over 2yrs, maybe closer to 3, I was able to recover using gnrh, clomid, hcg.

press1's picture

So do you fully PCT still bud despite the position you are in of being able to TRT for life if you wanted to?

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UncleYoked's picture

I don't PCT anymore. I don't think my levels are optimal anymore naturally