simonmagus84's picture
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Lebron’s Son….Here we go-steroids is to blame….again


Lebron James’s son goes into cardiac arrest and guess what Chael blames his condition on….

I call bs

DeeMan's picture

@Drexyl @simonmagus84 ...big fight tonight. Crawford vs Spence for UNDISPUTED welterweight championship. 4 belts on the line. Politics held the fight back for 3 years. Those guys both said they want to imitate the legends by fighting the best of the best, not duck them. They'll get their chance. Anyways this post isn't about bad

Drexyl's picture

Ain’t gonna be able to see it, I’ll PayPal you, $10 on Spence.

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DeeMan's picture

Lmao. Bro honestly I wouldn't bet on this one.

Drexyl's picture

I dunno guys. Maybe some of live in cities, maybe some of us live in a more rural area. I’m not trying to get feelings riled up, maybe the city folk see it more often, maybe the rural folk see it less but are closer in the community, or vice versa. But before the internet and social media, people died. Often. We all die. Lately it’s such a fascination to figure out EXACTLY how someone expired. Many times there is no explanation, it was just their time. Are this many people so afraid of passing on?

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press1's picture

Its the guys who are dying young that people are questioning, in reality you really shouldn't be dying under the age of 70 and those that do it is often because of a specific reason or problem. Therefore if its a shocking or surprising death it will make it onto the internet. I don't fear death, but there are definitely times when I would rather not die more than others Lmao If every area of life is going brilliantly, you are making great money and are genuinely happy then of course you don't want to - where as if you are very ill, loved ones are passing on, relationships are failing then for sure you feel you have less to lose or experience.

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DeeMan's picture

Hate to say this but Drex it just depends on if you're living right. If not then you should be scared to die. Just my opinion, you may disagree though

simonmagus84's picture

Why stress about the inevitable? I just try to focus on living a healthy productive life and in the end, it may not even matter but the one thing I don’t want to regret in those final moments is having any sense of guilt. I live with a clear conscience because I never tried to wrong anyone, I only ever tried to do right by myself and others. If it’s my final moments, my conscience is clear.

DeeMan's picture

@Drexyl, simon..I heard about these 3 brothers that committed a murder together, well 25 years later they all got together and turned themselves in to the police for that same murder 25 years earlier....conscience

Drexyl's picture

That had to be an awful 25 years, awful. They found their peace though, none of know the circumstances

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DeeMan's picture

I can dig that. If you try to do right, if you mean well but in the process you did wrong then I can live with that. That's not conscience disturbing. A bad conscience can really mess you up if you are indeed a decent human. A good conscience makes life so much easier though.

Drexyl's picture

I try to do that daily. Key word is try, I’m very far from perfect and sometimes I reflect on the person I used to be. I’ve caused people hurt, there’s some I can’t apologize to.

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DeeMan's picture

No one is perfect. I feel sorry for those that think they are lol

simonmagus84's picture

They’ll be humbled.

DeeMan's picture

You better believe it! Lol sick guys like myself are just drooling at a chance to go to work.

Drexyl's picture

Nope, your words complement mine in my eyes. Of course people can speed things up, be nasty, spit venom all day. But, we all go. I choose to be a decent person while I’m here.

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DeeMan's picture

Good deal. Would be nice if we all were decent

dmxinyourface's picture

Well nowadays every time a celebrity or so have this type of health issue. Same question : is he vaxxed ? If you want to blame, don't blame something which has been 100 years ago. Rather blame what is new and forced on billions of human beens. Simple logic.

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Sam I Am's picture

Steroids do cause heart and kidney problems. The reason is few people cycle these days. Theres dudes on here all the time running 500 mg of test off cycle.
Guys are running year round and its fucking them up.
Time on should equal time off after pct if you do one.

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smoke1more's picture

I always thought time off was double time on including pct.

Sam I Am's picture

That would be even better. My point is its called a cycle for a reason.
If your a pro or have that chance to earn a living I can see the rationalizing the risk.
For the rest of us its just dumb. I feel the same way about tren. But thats just my opinion. Just had the best blood wotk Ive had in 10 years. First notmal egfr in ten years.

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smoke1more's picture

I couldn’t agree with you anymore. Going pro is one thing, but for the everyday Joe it just isn’t worth the risk.

DeeMan's picture

I'm still trying to understand but maybe it's not meant to be understood

Drexyl's picture

I keep it under a gram and no tren.

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Nattyboomba's picture

Man, Sonnon is a pot stirring motherfucker. He’s a pretty tough dude, though.

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simonmagus84's picture

Isn’t he, he’s always pulling this shit but have to give where credit is due. He’s an OG

Nattyboomba's picture

I agree. He’s always talking some bullshit about someone, but he is an old school Greek gangster. And he’s always been known for taking any fight thrown his way, whether it was winnable or not.

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UncleYoked's picture

Chael is a cool dude but he's not just throwing shit, he's speaking from his own experience since he was an avid user of EPO. Maybe it's his way of giving a cautionary warning to everyone considering EPO

simonmagus84's picture

He’s hilarious, brilliant, witty and was the original shit talker before Conor but when you start looking into him with all the scandals, in real estate/politics/even shit in mma you start to really wonder if anything he says is credible.

UncleYoked's picture

Imagine is Chael was 10 years younger. We could have seen a McGreggor/Sonnen shit talk battle.

DeeMan's picture

@JakeKO I wouldn't pay a dime to see that trash they call a shit talk show lol. Both talk that shit but get their asses handed to them in the end. Mayweather and Jon Jones much better! Best of the best!

UncleYoked's picture

Bro that's not even a competition. Jones would murder Mayweather. Jones vs Fury would be a closer competition. I personally don't like Fury. He's a great boxer but I believe he cheated in the Wilder fight.

DeeMan's picture

Fury and Wilder could fight 10 times and Wilder loses 10 times if he can't KO Fury. He won't out box Fury. I don't know, Fury might of cheated in second fight but definitely won third no doubt. Wilder did have a lot of excuses though. All 3 fights were good and both fighters are good.

simonmagus84's picture

I personally thought wilder won the 1st. The floppy gloves in the 2nd was suspicious but the 3rd I felt settled any suspicion because wilder was outmatched.

UncleYoked's picture

The floppy gloves killed me, I do think he's a better boxer than wilder which is why I couldn't understand why he would do that. I think Fury is an entertaining guy but the floppy gloves is what made me lose respect for him.
3rd fight was legit but unnecessary if the 2nd was just done properly.

DeeMan's picture

I can't argue against Wilder winning first fight. I think what did it was Fury getting back up Undertaker style from that KO. 2nd fight was weird when I saw replay. Fury's gloves did look floopy. I just didn't like all Wilder's excuses, especially about what he was wearing. But yeah for a big man Fury can box and only chance Wilder will ever have is a KO. Wilder doesn't have the boxing fundamental skills that's all. Just look at his jab. But nobody can match his KO power.

simonmagus84's picture

I completely agree and I think his power is legendary.

DeeMan's picture

What gets me is that he's not even a big dude naturally at around 215 or so. He has more of a basketball player physique. Even Mike Tyson respects his power.

simonmagus84's picture

I made a comment on the gym once that I personally think wilder would be able to roll with the guys in the old days but I was quickly met with opposition.

DeeMan's picture

Well blow for blow Wilder WILL knock them out, no doubt. Now as far as boxing skills an old school guy like Ali would school Wilder. Lol Ali would pick him apart and expose. His boxing skills just aren't there and hate to say it but if he doesn't have them by now he'll never get them. So I can somewhat see what your gym buddies are thinking.

Drexyl's picture

Mike Tyson too, for the white guys our best one in my adult life was Tommy Morrison. That guy was a beast and if he hadn’t fallen into the mess, pound for pound Morrison could’ve been a Tyson. Mercer put that last nail in the coffin but that’s another story lol. And I’m not a referee, I’ve never boxed, but why weren’t those floppy gloves be made to be tightened up? You’ve never seen faulty equipment be allowed before or after that fight.

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DeeMan's picture

O yeah Iron Mike definitely, especially with Cus D'amoto. Yea I'm still trying to figure out that floopy gloves situation. Thing is he didn't need them to beat Wilder. And Morrison was a beast no doubt. He was scheduled to fight Tyson but Tyson got locked up. Yea Mercer did Morrison BAD!

simonmagus84's picture

The second or 3rd ? And that was a long ass count on the first fight.

DeeMan's picture

Jones wouldn't murder Mayweather in boxing. He can't out box Mayweather. Yes in mma. And besides that Jones is too big. What I'm saying is both Mayweather and Jones handed those shit talkers their asses big time! Jones and Fury? Not even close in boxing. Fury is too big and skilled.. In mma of course Jones wins.

UncleYoked's picture

Chael "fucking amateur"
EPO is serious stuff though, if you're running EPO you better have your alarms set in the middle of the night to wake up and do cardio to keep your blood moving. Not something I want to mess with and something I've purposely kept off the shelves due to it's risks.

DeeMan's picture

Ahh c'mon Chael. But you know this doesn't surprise me from Chael.