Rosschestzip's picture
  • 931

+ 8 AA TD and a glimpse into the gainz fridge


Got some B-12, Glutathione, and L-Carnitine injectables. Hopefully the glutathione will help detox the liver and stuff, it’s supposed to be really great for that. And B-12 is good for a bunch of stuff I guess. And L-Carnitine was actually recommend for preworkout but we’ll see. In the background is the new fridge all stocked up. Oh, and if anyone has any experience using any of these compounds as injectables let me know what doses and timing and things like that, and how it worked for you. Especially the l-Carnitine, that’s the one I know the least about, thanks fellas!!

Steeltoad777's picture

On yer way to swole City

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Rosschestzip's picture

Yessir riding the gains train with a one way ticket

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Ag4936cali's picture


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JakeKO's picture

Very nice

DeeMan's picture

This shit was started by JakeKO. This is all you man! No one was even thinking about GH refrigerators before u bought one.

JakeKO's picture

Yeah, they’ve definitely gotten very popular. Happy people followed my lead. I use to hate having to go all the way to my kitchen to get my GH every day. All nervous one of my kids were going to walk in while I was drawing my pin. Big pain in my ass.

Chad P's picture

My wife just ordered me one off Amazon, hopefully here tomorrow!

DeeMan's picture

Ya know I bought a mini fridge from Walmart for my dorm room when I was away from home playing ball at school. Kept milk in there mainly for my protein shakes. Damn thing was $80. I'm sure cost went up.

Steveking1980's picture

Love the set up!

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DeeMan's picture

Rosschestzip not sure if you knew but b12 accumulates in the liver so it's not like other water soluble b vitamins. In otherwords it doesn't have to be taken everyday.

Rosschestzip's picture

Cool thanks man, I wasn’t going to do it daily just for financial reasons but that’s good to know, so i don’t over do it, especially when my liver is exactly what I want to fix the most.

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DeeMan's picture

O daily isn't necessarily at all. You can dose every 3-5 days. Some go a week. It doesn't act like typical water soluble vitamins. But yea I agree with you to not overdo just to be on safe side.

23Sparta's picture

Looks like the inside of a fridge from a lab or a hospital

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya my girl would agree, I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m crazy but she’s supportive anyways. I’m gunna need a second one if I keep trying new shit lol, I haven’t even touched peptides yet, and I’m just starting to experiment with like “bio hacking” type stuff, so like the vitamins and aminos and more like health and wellness type shit, I’m really interested in that kind of stuff and like the pharmacology of it all. I wish I had a laboratory, that would be sick. I’d want like a hug warehouse with a gym and a lab. And be able to test different compounds and performance and shit. That would be amazing lol

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23Sparta's picture

Bless her supportive heart and yeah me too…. biohacking. Hyperplasia and staying healthy and fit for the struggle. I’m not a believer in secretagogue peptides over growth, but PEG-MGF and IGF-LR3 interest me and I’ve used both more than a few times. That just me chasing size though. Yeah, sounds badass, bury a couple of shipping containers and build a gym on top. Sounds like a plan

DeeMan's picture

You said that right. It sure does

23Sparta's picture

I feel like Ross is gonna go mad scientist on us one day

Rosschestzip's picture

You ever hear about that billionaire guy that spends like a couple million a year on age defying stuff? Like injections and fasting and cold baths and all that kinda stuff, he’s obsessed on reversing his age. That would be me if I was rich lol, but I’d be more into like performance enhancing and energy and just feeling good, I don’t really give a shit about wrinkles and shit lol

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah, Bryan Johnson, funny if he got hit by bus on the way to one of his treatments. I’d do the same thing too if I was rich, but I’m not. So I’m just trying to look as nasty as possible without shaving to many moments off the back end of my life. I’m with you, I like to feel good, and I won’t compromise that for gains

press1's picture

Yeh I've seen him - looks like a Freak doesn't he Lol

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya looks like shit lol

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DeeMan's picture

I've said that from day one. And when he doesn't get his supply it's the end of the world LOL.

Rosschestzip's picture

Hey that was one time thing lmao I swear it won’t happen again haha

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DeeMan's picture

Certain things are forever! Nah but I agree looks like you're running a damn pharmacy

Rosschestzip's picture

And this is just the refrigerated stuff, still got the oils and orals, need a little cool cabinet thing for them too, right now the ole shoebox works just fine

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AK80's picture

B-12 anytime - every 3 days. L-Carnitine a few hours before every workout - skip it on rest days. Glutathione a couple hours before bed to help you sleep - as needed or after your workouts. Sources: myself and Robbie Robinson.

Rosschestzip's picture

My man, short sweet and to the point. B-12, how much 1,000mcg? Glutathione I was told 1200 mgs and l-Carnitine 300-500mgs , does that sound right to you?

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press1's picture

Your body uses NAC, Glutamine and Glycine to make its own Glutathione mate - so if you take those powders you will be good already most likely.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I actually don’t take them lol, I occasionally take glutamine and glycine but rarely. Also I’m trying to like really repair my liver so I think I need more than a recommended dose. Idk a lot about it tho. All I know is my liver wasn’t doing good and I had no clue, I stopped the orals and immediately started gaining weight and my stomach was back to normal in like 4 days. So my liver might actually be fine now idk. But I’m about two weeks I’ll know for sure with some labs

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Chad P's picture

Yea it’s why the government tried stopping the distribution on NAC when the covid outbreak happened. They knew it would boost glutathione and keep people healthy and away from getting the shot. High glutathione levels is why kids were barely effected or didn’t get much more than a slight cough if they did get sick.

Rosschestzip's picture

That kinda shit makes me so mad. Or like when they approve shot they know for a fact will kill some kids but the number is small enough for them to still approve it. Like “oh it’s only one in 100” which is bullshit because it’s times like a 100,000 so that number becomes. pretty big.

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