Bill1976's picture
  • 883

+ 1 My AI


Can’t start a heavy cycle without aromasin. I’ll make a cycle log in my notes and post it when cycle is over. I only trust pharma grade when it comes to this. I will take week by week progress pics too.

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Jrblh2's picture

Nice I like the fact your not leaving anything to chance I usually use arimidex but would rather use armasin because it's less taxing on the body good choices and pharm grade on top of it

FlemDaddyKush's picture

Some of the best right there. I love my Pfizer caber and aromison. And yeah I've used ugl ai in the past but made the change a little while ago to only pharma ai and I'll never go back.

press1's picture

I use to know one of the main Pfizer sales reps very well in the UK years before I ever touched gear - imagine all the HGH pens I could get now!!! Lmao

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Makwa's picture

All I got from the Pfizer rep I know was a viagra clock. Lol It does look pretty cool in the mancave though.

press1's picture

HAHAHA I am going back to my teenage years here - She studied for years at University learning medicine/biology etc and was very clever. Then she got that job and was the person that travelled round all the Hospitals selling the products. There was supposedly tonnes of money in it all which you can imagine there being.

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