MurderHornet2020's picture
  • 290

+ 3 PCT Progression


Finally getting some width. This has been a struggle point for me weighing in at 220. PCT hasn’t slowed the gains to much I’m really happy I’m not losing anything. Minus my sex drive haha

wanted's picture

Do you keep your coach in the off season

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Wish I could afford one at all haha. It’s just me and my girl.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Finished the Nova and clomid routine like 7 weeks from my last pin

Gymrat3CC's picture

keep killing it man. I hate when I see people come off cycle and don't train as hard as they did on cycle and wonder why they lost so much size. We can see with you that isn't happening good work man.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks guys!

Makwa's picture

Keep up with diet and training and shouldn't lose anything except a little glucose retention and maybe some hardness. Should always be bigger and leaner after cycle than before so keep that in mind and every cycle is a net gain. Only slackers lose their gains Lol but you seem to be on the right track Good

23Sparta's picture

I can see the gains kept. Respect for working hard and sticking to it