BeastM0del's picture
  • 54

+ 3 Power fuel!


5 Tren A
1 Tren E
1 EQ

Gear looks awesome, can't wait to give it a try. T/A was fast, Trip is a cool kat, and great gear and service. one of the best in the biz. Thanks Trip!

Ordered from: 
inzer777's picture

I heard North Korea is doing secret testing. they have abandoned their nuclear attack plan on the Us because all those on Powers gear will survive and band together to form a mutated race of human freaks that are all 250lbs and 4% bf.........

Ninja's picture

I've seen one of those freaks. His name is yao ming. I knew he was a mutant

MITCH 23's picture


Owes a Review × 1
BeastM0del's picture

Thanks man...his Tren is so potent, it looks like it glows in the pic!

turbotrav07's picture

Plus 1 for my main boy power

BeastM0del's picture

He's got his biz on lockdown!! Great service, communication, and T/A. Can't go wrong with Power

Ninja's picture

I've heard powers tren is tops around these neighborhood.

turbotrav07's picture

U heard right best tren youll ever use comparable if not better then gp

Ninja's picture

Im finishing up gp right now. The standards are high, but i have no doubt you are right. Now im even more excited to power up!

turbotrav07's picture

Remember gp tren is 120 mg on lab tests but powers feels right on par of not tad better just his raws r so good!

Ninja's picture

Sending fr

BeastM0del's picture

Better than GP?!! Can't wait 'till I take the Pepsi challenge!!