bigjman92's picture
  • 125

+ 2 Pre Cycle Labs - Everything looks great


Test levels are at 580. FH/LSH are on point. Cholesterol, triglycerides and liver results look great! Can't wait to start in the new year

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kentlifts223's picture

Props for pulling your bloods man! These look great. Good luck!

bigjman92's picture

Thanks brotha! I'll keep you posted with future bloods

1174's picture
  • for posting so many people neglect to do pre-cycle bloods, or any bloods for that matter. Enjoy your cycle. Pull bloods again 6 weeks in
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bigjman92's picture

Running a 14 week cycle. I'm getting bloods taken at week 6, 12, and 8 weeks after PCT completion. I have the luxury that my insurance covers all lab tests 100%. Stay healthy my friend

Calrizzian's picture

Be careful if you follow through with getting your bloods done through insurance- that’s a sure fire way to get flagged and have it on your record permanently, dropped from your plan, etc etc etc. And if you’re one of the lucky few that their doc is “cool” with cycling, most of the time it doesn’t matter because the results are still filed in your medical records.

Just looking out for ya brotha- I’ve seen it happen a few times and was a HUGE pain in the ass for the individuals involved moving forward for quite a while on multiple fronts.

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bigjman92's picture

Wow I didn't even know they could do that. So this happened to you? Where they kicked you off the plan?