Stokes500's picture
  • 304

+ 5 Touch down from Ugfreak


8 x para pharma test p
Tamoxifen 20
Clomid 50
nice little promo sent to me by ugfreak , arrived quickly and discreetly packaged.

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Ag4936cali's picture

U still pct?

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Stokes500's picture

@simonmagus84 made an interesting post about coming off and pct after being on long term, he highlighted some interesting points and actually convinced a couple of us to give it ago. I have been blasting and cruising for 10years but after my cut I’m going to be coming off and running pct to see if I can actually do it. I would love to be able to cycle on and off without crashing hard but let’s see ….. you should read the thread it was informative and inspiring tbh

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simonmagus84's picture

I recommend jumping on proviron and hcg prior to going into pct. You’ll probably need to bridge into Clomid nolva and also run an extended pct. It will be a mind fuck but we’re all here for support. I also recommend if you plan on staying off for quite some time, look into running GH for maintenance.

I also questioned on Kapsizes page if we run shorter 6 week cycles with all short ester cycles throughout the year. 6 weeks on and off with ED pins. I wonder if that would be more beneficial for building and recovering as opposed to the longer esters. A third of the cycle were just waiting for it to kick in anyway.

Stokes500's picture

For me I always found it best to bulk with long acting esters cut with short.
Proviron raises my BP do I avoid it and HCG I think is pointless, there’s arguments for taking it while on cycle to try and make it easier to kick start the old betty swallocks but in my experience it makes little to no difference. Although I have blasted and cruised for years , I do feel that was a mistake and I’m not an advocate of it so I do have some experience running guys through pct.
I will how ever definitely be running hgh. Currently I’m running 8iu daily but I’ll drop that down to 4iu when I come off

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anvil's picture

Lets go big Stokes!

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DeeMan's picture

So now you go from 300 pounds to 400 huh? Way too big ...BIGOREXIA!
Lol nice.. .Enjoy

Too big. I think I'll have a talk with Ugfreak and tell him to stop sending you gear because this is getting out of hand lol.