Therealist2018's picture
  • 166

+ 15 Trusty fridge.


A shot of my favorite fridge in the house!!!

Pumped_'s picture

Your thermometer is in the red a little over 40. Is that from holding the fridge open too long for picks or is it overstuffed and need to turn the temp down to 32-40°?

Therealist2018's picture

Lmao yeah bro that was my dumbass trying to get a good picture. It’s behind my bar so i don’t have a lot of room to take the pic from. Good eye !!

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AK80's picture

So YOU'RE the one that got the Supreme A that I was supposed to get! Oh well, I still upvoted you. The Supreme B works (I think) I slept really really really well and I think my hands got numb from it and not from sleeping on them. I think... (I hope) Reminds me of what Stan Efferding always does for his clients like Brian Shaw at Costco :-)

TABMEISTER's picture

Never upvoted a picture this fast before

Mac12769's picture

Nicely stocked. Good
Now you just need my chicken coop with the 15 chickens / 2 turkeys to fill it Wink

Big Paul's picture

That fridge says you mean businesses

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kinda fit kinda fat's picture

So juicy brother

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JEX30Sex's picture

You know those stories about home invaders eating from your fridge?

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Packed + Macked + Stacked. Can I come over?

The 60ct egg box is where it's at.

Every morning a half dozen hard boiled goes down smothered in Buffalo sauce

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23Sparta's picture

Costco has the best price on egg whites

Therealist2018's picture

Hands down !

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Steeltoad777's picture

How much are we talking?

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23Sparta's picture

There’s six of those cartons in a box for like $12
50g protein each

press1's picture

Blimey you can do 6 hard boiled eggs in a morning?! Wish I could Lol

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simonmagus84's picture

Wow lol, I can only do like 3

AK80's picture

If you scramble 6 in a bowl and then put it in the microwave, you can eat them even easier. Plus, a little hot sauce and pink Himalayan salt makes them go down so nicely. Plus, there was a study that just came out the other day that showed ZERO cholesterol issues with the 100 people they tested. Albeit they only ate 12 per week, that's still good enough safe science results for me.

simonmagus84's picture

I always found that to be bullshit. More misinformation by sugar companies to promote low fat high sugar diet.

JEX30Sex's picture

I believe in you.

press1's picture

Now that's what you call a Muscle Fridge!!

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Eggs + GH similar to Nice tits +ass.

Bread + butter

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Chad P's picture

Damn atleast a full year supply of GH and farm raised eggs…well done

23Sparta's picture

That’s the fridge you wanna raid

Ag4936cali's picture

Take the eggs too. Lol

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23Sparta's picture

In for a dime, in for a dollar

ForeverFitBod1's picture


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anvil's picture

Mine only has room for GH LOL, nice all the essentials.

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Jameshobbis's picture

The man lives on gh and eggs haha fully stocked up!! Nice!!

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