JakeKO's picture
  • 2.3k

+ 10 UGFREAK comes through as usual!


UGFREAK is fucking awesome. He ALWAYS comes through. I’ve been a little jaded lately with all the delayed shipping issues I’ve been dealing with from several other sources. I started getting nervous when my pack wasn’t moving and Freak reassured me that I’d have it soon. You’re the best, Freak!!!

3 Proviron
3 Masto E
3 Test/Deca 400

Ordered from: 
ugfreak's picture

What a lovely pic brother! Thank you and enjoy your gear!

Pushing Iron 87's picture

There ya go man not a better feeling of good pack landing.

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antwone12's picture

So true. I got in trouble by wife the other night she saw my face when a solid pack landed and told me I get happier to see that than her lmfao

winmag4582001's picture

Let us know if there’s any PIP with the 400 please. I had some SP Test 450 and it was brutal!

Willy1991's picture

Im running the testo e 400 zero pip ! I'm in love

JakeKO's picture

I’ve used it several times and never had a PIP issue at all. I’m PIP sensitive, so I always warm my oils before injecting, and haven’t had an issue in a very long time, knock on wood

DeeMan's picture

So all this for JakeKO huh? Nice. The Freak is on point. Can't remember but is this your first time running mast?

JakeKO's picture

No, I’ve run Mast several times, but either didn’t run enough, or my body fat is just to high to see any aesthetics from it. Always works great to prevent estro from rising though. I have four weeks left on this clean bulk, so I figured I’d up my Mast to 600mg per week and see if I can handle it, and see some of the benefits that I never experienced before

DeeMan's picture

Yea I've heard folks say it's better to use mast with a lower bodyfat. Mr. Hollywood
aka @wanted has been trying to convince me to use mast. Well see.

wanted's picture

600 of mast i like it jake. Goodluck
A fuller load, wake up an extra time in middle of night to pee. Keep us posted should see a good hardening of the muscle @DeeMan head just exploded to here 600 mg masteron lol. Just kidding D

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DeeMan's picture

Lol it sure did! My powerlifting buddy uses mast and I counted 3 hair strings on his head. But nah man I know it's a good hardner.

I'll take the fuller load but I'll leave the waking up in middle of night to piss for you.

wanted's picture

Yesh im about 3 times pissing a night. Masteron, dandelion root, and mhp expel water pill

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DeeMan's picture

I'd rather not not be pissing myself every night. Hell just wear some of those adult diapers if you don't wear them already lolol