Littleginger's picture
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+ 8 Odin Cycle Gainz Update


Been working with RB and his consultant on a full Odin cycle and been more than pleased with results thus far. Having issues updating my cycle info so thought I would drop update here until I get other fixed.

Currently running all Odin labs test cyp NPP mast. Weight is up around 212-215 now and feel great. Strength is absolutely going through the roof and workouts better each week. Significant difference in overall training from pumps strength vascularity after week 4. Really enjoying the NPP for the joints and strength with the masteron adding good amount of aggression especially during training.

Another thing I will say that I have not had any issues with is pip even with the frequent injections. I’m well into the cycle and not had any issues with any compounds or muscle groups I’ve pinned. Overall quality of gear seems really spot on to other reputable brands I’ve used with same compounds. Looking forward to finishing up the cycle with some final tweaks from RBs consultant.

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fusebox's picture

+2. Looking good from what I can see. Pic won't zoom. Been a crap show for pics. My bloods wouldn't post even after like 6 attempts I gave up. Keep on grinding

Littleginger's picture

Yea had similar issues but if you blow my picture up I certainly only get uglier and fatter so prolly better it don’t lol. Had my bloods pulled Monday so hoping that gets resolved by then. Believe it’s been like that for couple days with the pics. Cheers and appreciate the compliment bro

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Littleginger's picture

Thanks everyone. Sorry about pic I think it broke when I tried to smile lol. Appreciate all the feedback everyone

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Sam I Am's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Littleginger's picture

Shred HMU and let me know how you liked running that. I’ve personally always been a short ester guys myself but was considering a cycle with the long esters. Keep killing it bro

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ECinfidel's picture

Looking pretty solid my man. The low test dose is treating you alright then?

Littleginger's picture

It is thus far haha. I will keep you posted and know you can always DM me

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ECinfidel's picture

Will do man. I just kicked-off my run last week so we'll compare notes. Lol

press1's picture

Everyone seems to be having problems with TMP displaying pictures properly bud the past week.

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Littleginger's picture

Yea press it’s been a shit show with pics but then again I’m an ugly son of a bitch too so could be that haha

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ECinfidel's picture

It's been a hot mess for sure since the site went down last week.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Yeah mines fucked. From what I can see he’s looking good though.