laxman3221's picture
  • 78

+ 14 Progress at 54


Lifting hard HIT program. Not trying to be. BB, just get stronger and more muscle mass as I get older. Still play a competitive contact sport.

damage33's picture

Congrats on your shape at your age. Better then 20n.
+1 for the delt

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Catalyst's picture

Looking good for a guy half your age. Great work.

BigReps's picture

53 and kicking here! Keep up the good work bro!

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Mac12769's picture

Lookin' solid in the 50's club bro Good

laxman3221's picture

Thanks everyone. My shoulders are my genetically gifted body part. Triceps are not. Need to hit them harder.

I get painful pumps in my shoulders when working out or doing yard work and other daily stuff.

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DeeMan's picture

Thanks for posting. I'm chasing your shoulders! Keep up the good work and sorry for the chatter below. It's all love.

laxman3221's picture

All good!

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Stokes500's picture

This forums messing with my head after watch gate scandal…. Is it just me or does it look like a naked dude running on treadmill behind him

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Chad P's picture

Watchgate scandal hahaha!!

DeeMan's picture

@NWApatches... Watch Gate!! That damn NWA! Lol

NWApatches's picture

Naked doods?!? Where! Lemme see! Bring them to me!

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23Sparta's picture

Lmfao I see it

Stokes500's picture

Good so I’m not crazy @DeeMan definitely seen it but he’s keeping stum and saving it for his wank bank

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DeeMan's picture

Looks like it but 2 different skin tones. I'm thinking he's taking a pic with another guy and someone else in background on treadmill. But it does look strange.

laxman3221's picture

Yea, my buddy is next to me.

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DeeMan's picture

I thought so lol

23Sparta's picture

Lmfao, watch gate, I just figured that out. Gotta be on your toes around here Stokes. You know it’s coming, you just don’t know from where

Stokes500's picture

It’s all down to who ever started the big dick competition with the gun show … some how it turned into a sausage fest

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DeeMan's picture

Yea remember you posted a pic of some guy taking a pic of your old girlfriend. Guess you were upset lol. That started it all. But look I'm not trying to hijack this guy's post.

23Sparta's picture

That makes sense. Who did start that? Who let the dick genie out of the bottle? I think it was, wasn’t it, @DeeMan !?

DeeMan's picture

Nah remember @Stokes500 got pissed when some guy took a pic of his old lady naked? I guess he had to vent cause the guy made him feel insecure, inadequate and insignificant. That's what started it. Lol Stokes and ole NWA

23Sparta's picture

LMFAO! I forgot about that, yeah, hey @Stokes500…. you got priors too bro!

Stokes500's picture

No comment if your uk or ill take the 5th if your over the pond

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NWApatches's picture


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23Sparta's picture

Lmao, look likes you’ve had a run in or two with the law before

DeeMan's picture


DeeMan's picture

Honestly I just looked after I commented to you. Kinda does look like that though.
You probably traumatized!

DeeMan's picture

Nice..especially for 54. H.I.T huh? Some dislike it but I think it's useful. Arthur Jones knew what he was doing with this training method. Nice shoulders

laxman3221's picture

Yes, I love it. In and out in 45 minutes. I follow the Yates one I got off the internet a few years ago.

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press1's picture

You don't look 54 at all mate Smile

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Ccacc's picture

You look great and should be very proud.

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23Sparta's picture

Sick ass physique for any age

DeeMan's picture

For sure, especially at 54. Like I told NWA below, us 3 were just chatting about the look of nice shoulders.

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, caps for sure right. That’s all I want, just a nasty look from now…. until the day I die

DeeMan's picture

I don't blame you one bit my man. Shoulders are my weakness though! Lol they aren't symmetrical to my arms. Shit is strange lol

NWApatches's picture

Bro your arms are too big.

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DeeMan's picture

Thanks but I'm still pissed at the
Old man ( dad) for ain't fair lol.

Big arms can be a good thing...or they can be a bad thing if you know what I mean.

23Sparta's picture

They were mine, but I’ve hammering them for two years straight and now that’s what people notice most. I think your shoulders are a larger muscle by volume than your pecs or even lats. Just most people don’t have them developed as well as other upper body muscles.

DeeMan's picture

True or other larger muscles can make shoulders look small. It's a balancing act for sure.

23Sparta's picture

True as well, and idk what you’re talking about I’ve seen your caps and you got em right

DeeMan's picture

Thanks man. Maybe I'm just messed up in the head. Then again we all are. Appreciate ya.

I always loved a nice pair of shoulders..always.

23Sparta's picture

We’re our own worst critics bro

DeeMan's picture

True. I just try to be realistic

NWApatches's picture

I like them caps you carry there

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DeeMan's picture

Those are the nice shoulders we were just talking about.

NWApatches's picture


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DeeMan's picture

Death Star!

anvil's picture

Very impressive, congrats to you!

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