cyco's picture
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So ordered and payed on tuesday. Here in my hands friday. Same ole story,great T/A) Great quality products. Communication ,and packaging was professional. Even with the merger between,and everything was still flawless. Look for even more great things to come now that these 2 powerful sources are coming together. Different name,same great gear. More flavors to choose from. Oh and they have 35 ml,and 55 ml vials full of goodness. I want a 55 ml Tren ace for my B-Day:) One more thing the 35&55 ml vials are really 37 cc,and 57 cc's.
ANDRO-BOLIC sounds like a great name,just thinking out loud:)

Ordered from: 
600carlo's picture

Nice pics ...liking the new I gotta go buy more to keep up wit the big boys

mhman's picture

Loving AA's EQ, felt it kick in around week 4 and haven't been able to keep the refrigerator closed since. Approaching week 12 with AA's test-E/EQ and loving the results. And you're right Cyco, EVERYTHING was flawless with the whole process. (Gotta love them there big jugs too !!)

rollin322's picture

niiiiceee..I already placed an order this week with the same source...i will also post AA/andro gear pics

Pepwarehouse's picture

Wooooo whoooo!