Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

+ 1 Another Order From Naps


QD Labs - x2 Sus
QD Labs - x3 Test-C
QD Labs - x1 Mast-P
QD Labs - 200 Winny
QD Labs - 100 Tbol
Brand Caber x20

Ordered from: 
jansen's picture

Anyof you guys tried caber from naps? Im a little hesitant to buy it since its priced pretty low.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

No I haven't ran it yet, but I did some price comparison and it's about the same with the other international sources. I'm loyal to naps, so I trust the quality of their products dude, all my bloods come back right on the money, and they have return the loyalty; discounts, promos etc.That's how it should be IMO. Give it a go dude...

MONK's picture

Enjoy +1

abidkhan's picture

How are the quality direct lab oil brother?

Champion Of The Mind's picture

It's good stuff, it's all I've been running lately. Running a mast/testp/var cycle all qd labs... no pip.. grab some dude.

abidkhan's picture

I am about to. I need some deca and they are couple bucks cheaper.

thenewguy1's picture

I ran their Deca for my 2nd cycle. Pretty fucking bomb! Im trying GP Deca this time around.

abidkhan's picture

I have on the GP deca now. Expect some good strength and weight gains:))

Champion Of The Mind's picture

did you get your QD deca?