Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

+ 9 DeadLift/Back Progress II


Well I got 425 lbs up for two today... Really want to get too 500 lbs... I know by the end of the year; I will be successful; thank you for all your support eroids!!

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superman75's picture

job well done as always brother +1

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Many Thanks My Friend

Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! Muscular, hard, dense and thick back! All the evidence is present that you are hoisting some staggering poundages! Very impressively accomplished! +1 for your willful spirit and unyielding work ethic!

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Many thanks my kind friend... I enjoy reading your comments they are very inspiring to me bro

Kila's picture

a, You have good taste in music
b, The 1st thing I thought was you have a hole in your sock?
c, Strong DL
d, Loving the thicken on your shoulders/back

Champion Of The Mind's picture

LOL thank you, I been playing guitar for 12 years, really all thrash metal.. megadeth, slayer, iron maiden.. and some blues/classics rock.. Pink Floyd, Queen, Led Zeppelin, BB King, Eric Clapton.....

LMAO yes it is a whole, I ripped it during warm up, I figured no one would notice, or think its chalk XD

Thank you very much, my goal with the next to months is 495, and then up to 550 by December...I've really been working on the major compound movements lately, really trying to put some thickness in, so my lats will stick out over my xmas tree.. got about an 8 weeks of bulking before really, conditioning and carb loading... currently at 600 mg test p a week... thats all... I started out with some winny and mast... dropped them, picked up some dbol ran that two weeks at 50 mgs, I just dropped that.. going to wait an additional 8 weeks before adding npp at 400 and test at 800 with some winny or var with a moderate dosage of AI to kill the water...

Kila's picture

Well I did think anyone who got BLS next to Pink Floyd must enjoy his music and if it helps I only think I noticed the sock thing as I am a women.

Keep up the hard work because it really is paying off Smile

Champion Of The Mind's picture

LOL thank you, your very kind

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Did anybody see my autographed Archie Bunker picture??

sic26's picture

You are a STRONG MOFO! That's what it do lol! When I go heavy I don't use a belt am I crazy for that+1

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

haha that belt really helps, especially in squatting

sic26's picture

I need to get one b4 I pull something

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

LOL, they make you stronger, because you can fill your gut up with air and use that as a extra push to get the weight up.. same thing with squat kinda like a piston.

Pale's picture

Right on! I elected to stay at 315 for 3 sets of 10 yesterday. My back is only a little angry with me today. Smile

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Wow that's a lower back killer Biggrin I like to go really heavy on deadlift.. warm up is 300 for 5 and I go up from there up, just one rep per set... I really like to do heavy bent over, over handrows with 225..I feel that works my xmas tree better than deadlifting...then I do 4 plates on the t bar... and I can't walk LOL..

dudebro's picture

heres my fav deadlifting motivation vid

if that doesnt get you pumped up to deadlift nothing will

Champion Of The Mind's picture

That was sick dude, going to add it to the collection, thanks bro

GRIMEY's picture

Nice lift and keep at it, we're both chasing the same deadlift right now, Ive gotta hit it in 5 weeks to meet my goal, gonna be tight. +1.

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

I think I could possibly get to 495..10 plates in two months.. good luck bro, but you wont need it!

Eagles 2013's picture

Linear strength progression will have you there in no time brother. If you can add 10 lbs every week you will be there in 2 months, 5 lbs a week will still have you there by the end of the year. For me the best way to accomplish big/long term goals is to break them down into several smaller short term goals and focus on what you can do in the here and now to get you to where you want to be long term. I have full faith and confidence that you will be there by the end of the year and wish you the best!

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