NWApatches's picture
  • 653

+ 11 DHB/TEST run three weeks in


Attached these update pics as of this morning to weeks prior. Top to bottom. Also attached is pic of sides I'm experiencing, nothing I can't live with. 219.4# with abs really showing good. Starting to bench heavy again. Throwing 100# dumbbells on shoulder press EASILY. Really happy with current progress and to have got in on the pureanabolics promo. running DHB100, 1ML EOD, TEST E300 .25ML EOD. I'm still early in this, more better results on the way, boys!

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RobertB80's picture

Forearms looking impressive. Great vascularity +1

Nattyboomba's picture

Looks like a frog with a huge dick sweat the bed

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wanted's picture

Is there any pip

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simonmagus84's picture

I’m going to ask to run it on the promo page. I’ll try it and let you know. I’m going to first start with 100 mgs first

NWApatches's picture

Not enough to make me put it down

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TrenAThor's picture

Looking good bud and that last pic if funny AF. Gotta love the night sweats lol. You will def be feeling and seeing a lot more changes around week 6 to week 8. I like DHB alot and I'm not big on long esters unless cruising. Keep it up and gonna look rock solid.

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anvil's picture

I love your mouse knuckle brother. Did Kermit de frog leave a stain in your bed?

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NWApatches's picture

I have frog legs brother.. under construction. God made me thicker in the middle

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anvil's picture

Love it my guy

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DeeMan's picture


anvil's picture


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DeeMan's picture

I just figured he was being artistic by pissing in his bed making an outline of a frog...That's talent right there. Takes a lot of concentration to do that. Looks like he put extra detail into its penis

anvil's picture

That is where I would spend the extra time also..can't blame him

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DeeMan's picture

Ha. He did well

NWApatches's picture


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DeeMan's picture

U did well lol

23Sparta's picture

Apex predator mode. That’s top of the food chain right there. There may be some as bad but none badder. Respect that hard work brother

NWApatches's picture

I live on top of hard work brother. I pounded my stakes and built there

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23Sparta's picture

That makes us neighbors

DeeMan's picture

He definitely looks rugged.

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, I know that vibe well

DeeMan's picture

I can believe that

NWApatches's picture

Hell yeah. There's a group here that does! And those that wouldn't dare

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DeeMan's picture

Wouldn't dare to do what?

NWApatches's picture

Get up under that weight!

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DeeMan's picture

Awww damn!!!!

Jockstrap's picture

Dhb is a fun cycle. Lookin rocky!

DeeMan's picture

U seen his watch? Of course you did

press1's picture

So you are hitting 350mg DHB per week? Think I may have to bust a vial open if its already producing great results at that level, I've always hesitated as I see others saying it needs 500mg/wk to work well and don't have the space to pin that amount really.

NWApatches's picture

Yeah. I'm about to bump the dhb just a little and see what happens over the next two weeks. I've read the same thing @press1 and I'm sure at 500mg/wk it's pretty sickening.

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press1's picture

Is the plan to stay off orals this time or add them in later on? I will try the Test / NPP / DHB concoction LOL

NWApatches's picture

So I actually ordered oral DBOL and got oil DBOL. Tried one shot of it and can't stand the shit so it's just going to be dhb/test. No orals. I was literally thinking the same thing. For next go around

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press1's picture

You should get a packet of the 10mg DBol tabs I always use, produce great results every single time.

NWApatches's picture

@press1 this dhb is having me like I take 10mg of Cialis daily. Loving that

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Brayan91's picture

I see this picture and think, Swolepatrol at your service.

press1's picture

HAHAHAHAHAAAAA LMFAOOOO!!!! That picture is funny as HELL

Rosschestzip's picture

Idk if you should be sweating from the dick?? Lmao.
If you get bloodwork while on the dhb I’d be interested to see liver and kidney markers. If you do it

NWApatches's picture

I'll post it up when done

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creatinehcl's picture

You look great! DHB is next on my list of steroids I'd like to try. Last picture LOL

DeeMan's picture

This dude is literally turning dhb into a porn steroid.

creatinehcl's picture

Then I'm not really a candidate for DHB. I love anti porn steroids Biggrin

DeeMan's picture

Lol which ones are those!?? I can think of one already

creatinehcl's picture

Deca, partly NPP and for me higher doses of masteron

DeeMan's picture

I figured the first two but not mast. But then again it's lowering your estrogen at higher doses so I can understand

simonmagus84's picture

I think I’m about to ask for DHB

SeeOhShow's picture

That’s not the “I’m aesthetic” look that’s the “I’m strong as fuck” look. Which is what any true man really wants.

DeeMan's picture

Big difference in the 2 looks

NWApatches's picture

I'm going to peel down one day @SeeOhShow. I don't want to give up heavy weight just yet. Figure when I hit 35 I'll lighten up

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DeeMan's picture

Nice. Yeah man big difference between looking powerful and looking aesthetically pleasing. U look like you got some strength on you .Good look

SeeOhShow's picture

Shiiiit that the top pic is almost there already. You’re about to have both worlds