SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture
  • 205

+ 4 GBI order


Don't need karma just posting up to show he's doing his job
Waiting on 10 tne as well
Looks decent labels need some improvement
But as long as the gear is good I don't give a fuck lol

Ordered from: 
Theophany's picture

Nice pickup brother SWPS! I hope the quality exceeds your expectations! Enjoy my friend for you know you're dear to my heart! You haven't forgotten about old uncle Theo, have you? Lol
Best regards to you and your lovely wife! +2 for sharing!

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

For sure have not forgot about uncle Theo Smile
Always great to hear from you brother!
Hope all has been well since we last chatted

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www's picture

Looks good. I've been watching this. Hope to see your results. +1

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

As soon as I get the tne I'll try it out. Also thinking starting the sust soon and get bloods after 5 weeks or so

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www's picture

Cool, I'll keep an eye out for that. Good luck, happy growing!!

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twistedsister's picture

Looks like he spelled sustanon wrong ...

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

ya...labels need some work like I said lol

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BigWA67's picture

Nice order bro I'm very happy with the quality of his oils

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Good to hear Smile
I wanted to try the tne but still waiting on it to come

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