cyco's picture
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GDL-Cut Stack


Anybody ever try this. I am hoping it is good. About to finish a lixus ripblend,and needed a blend quick. Also still running USP tren,and USP prop.

bigarmyrob's picture

Isnt lixxus garbage? I see everyone bashing it..

MAC's picture

Lixus was garbage for a while. I think they have made a good comeback, I know a bunch of ppl on lixus recently and they are making awesome gains just like lixus used to do. I actually am thinking about getting some lixus soon to see for myself.

MAC's picture

I got the sust350 and EQ from GDL, I know someone who's using the cutstack and they said its awesome

MAC's picture

Ya im ordering from Myobolix tonight, I love veyron. Whats the T-150? A cut blend from veyron?