cyco's picture
  • 0

+ 13 H

geneticfreak's picture

dont you love it when people say if i took what your taking id be jacked to lol i say go ahead and try then bud 90% of people just dont have what it takes and they think there gonna shoot one 10cc bottle and compete in the olympia lmao fuck the haters

Trenabolic's picture

Got to love how most feel synthol is cheating but AAS is fine. All of our favorite bodybuilders use synthol, it's just as much part of the game as anabolics are.

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Trenabolic's picture

True that bro, by the way your huge.

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alayna's picture

A man after my own heart! well except yr like 3 of me! Yr a Monster! +1

p.s. if i could give plus a million for yr commitment alone i wld ;)

broflex's picture

preach it bro!

Theophany's picture

All the trademarks of a true and dedicated champion right here! This is how a champion looks, this is how a champion thinks and this is how a champion conducts business! Looking phenomenal brother! Exemplary work. +1

dico's picture

You only get out what u put in! If u train hard eat right u body has no option but to reward you with muscle! You in beast mode bro you work hard for that shit!!!

killinit88's picture

Last time i heard that from a one of my boys that USE to lift with me, i took him to the gym and worked him..... He will now never say that bullshit to me again......NOR workout with me lol

Trenegade's picture

boom bang matrix and monsta thang,all in the gym goin cyco its life tho.we kill it we in pain if not no gain so Bang Bang ....+1

MITCH 23's picture


Hard works pays off brother. Glad to have you around bro.

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dudebro's picture

100% all around beast. Just killing it.

BBB's picture

Raawww fucking mass you have cyco damn.
Love your dedication homie keep it up!


Doss's picture

Love it

GibshredderR's picture

Indeed brother. So many people truely do not understand what it takes to become a beast!

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GibshredderR's picture


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johnnyb5309's picture

Very motivating bro. It seems you outwork 90% of the guys on here results show. Can't wait to start the matrix oils.