Rosschestzip's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 2 I’ve heard of crashed gear, but a crashed peptide??


So I gotta problem, this is PEG MGF. And there’s an insane amount of floaters in there. You can actually see them in the picture and usually I can’t get a picture of it so you know this one’s bad. If it was some test I’d heat it up and good to go. What’s y’all’s thoughts, it’s trash right? Cus I can’t really heat a peptide, right?

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AK80's picture

95 bucks on the "orange swirl" website cough cough (that word is in it's name) so you don't have to wait forever next time. But yes, send those pics to steroidify and a refund or reship should be approved. Maybe paste a link to this chat in there.

Rosschestzip's picture

I can’t decipher your hint lol. But ya I’ll reach out to steroidify and see what’s up

Brayan91's picture

Ive mixed so many peptides and never had any do that. Shitty when you pay for something to be waiting on it and then it cant be used.
Worst part is you injected. Your a big boi, should be fine. Its the mental that gets you haha. Been there and made the wife keep an eye on me for an HR to make sure i didnt die lol.

Rosschestzip's picture

I wouldn’t be that worried besides that I’m insanely nauseous right now, I did it like 16 hours ago but just the last few hours I’ve felt awful, so now I’m worried

Brayan91's picture

Could just be the nerves my guy. If I would of injected that I would be tripping to. Inject something else to fight off the first injection lol.

Rosschestzip's picture

I’d agree cus that def happens but I wasn’t nervous about it till I felt sick, and I was trying to think of what could be causing it

Brayan91's picture

Its only until you start having symptoms that the adrenaline kicks in and our mind dtarts to wonder.
Remember the mind likes to Fuck with us a bit.
Also, if you havent taken it before it takes a few days for your body to accept and get used to it.
So many variables but you should be straight.

Black90tsi's picture

I wouldn't inject that stuff with your glute.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I know I’m super mad at myself for doing some and then noticing. Like an hour ago I was feeling a little nauseous but I hope it’s nothing, now im actually getting anxiety. FUCK MAN

infern0's picture

did u mix them straight out of the fridge?

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Rosschestzip's picture


infern0's picture

I think what happened is called gelling , , could've happened because u didn't let it and the water go to room temperature before reconstituting. Maybe trying adding some more BAC ?

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Rosschestzip's picture

I’m not injecting either way, but I’ll try and see what happens just for future knowledge. And I’ll check out that link, thanks man

Nattyboomba's picture

That shit ain’t right. Gross

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23Sparta's picture

Ew we, looks like fish food in there. Knowing everything you went through to get that, I’d say that’s no go. That IGF-1 derived/spliced peptide is fragile.

Rosschestzip's picture

I know! It’s like crazy bad in there. And it took forever to get here but it wasn’t shipping the whole time, it didn’t leave till a few weeks after ordering, so I don’t think it sat in a shipping container for two months or anything. I didn’t notice till after I did some, shit hurt like crazy, I hope I don’t get a fuckin frog growing under my skin. I’ve never seen anything like it, I haven’t done alot of peptides but everything else I’ve ever reconstituted is always super clear, I’ve had one vial of gh be a tiny bit cloudy but that’s it. This looks like micro worms, cus there not dots like there like strings.

23Sparta's picture

Fuck bro that sucks but you already know that’s trash. Unless reconstituted with acetic, I’ve never had MGF sting or really any peptide that I’ve used. Cloudy can be from improper reconstitution. Particles, especially how you describe them, are not to be present under any circumstance