Ccacc's picture
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+ 8 I like big jugs!!


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press1's picture

'He wants to know ..... Which one of you 2 nicked the playstation?

Good job ya got your guns bro - cos we'd kick your ass in a field fight!!! Lmfao

Drexyl's picture

You’re lucky I’m out of upvotes, you’d get one from across the pond lol. I dunno though, even with the injuries over the years, I say, I still have one good fight left in me. I just don’t want to waste it, my wife has used her hand against my chest instead of the couch and ripped my ribs. My next fight? I’m holding to that one lol

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Ccacc's picture

I just saw it on YouTube she’s getting treatment. She has a young beautiful family, we never know what life has in store for us, even if your royalty. I think she’s the third one in her family to have cancer. I hope she beats the shit out of it.

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press1's picture

Just shows no matter who you are or your privileges in life, no one is immune to that awful disease. Always seems to be the nice people that go round selflessly helping others that seem to get it. She already looks different in that video.

JakeKO's picture

From what I heard that caught it very early, so with the correct treatment, she should be ok. Although I’m sure it will be a horrible experience for their whole family. God bless them all.

Mac12769's picture

Look at how fast Toby Keith went....great singer, full of life....had many years left to sing. Stolen away.

Ccacc's picture

Yes man that was so horrible how fast his life was stolen from him. Let’s live life to the fullest while we can. God bless

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press1's picture

EXACTLY BRO!! Anyone for some Steroids??! LMFAO ROFL

Ccacc's picture

Lol --

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press1's picture

Thing is with our Royals is I always take what that say in press conferences and video's with a pinch of salt, as they often play things down as to not cause worry for the nation, they are a quiet bunch of people and will do anything not to attract attention to themselves. Unlike Shit head Harry and his mistress who love to court drama and attention that is lol Despite what many think of the Royals, William and Kate are really genuine and kind people who constantly are trying to help the sick and vulnerable, terminally ill etc. He really stepped up during the Covid crisis over here and will make a Great King someday.

Drexyl's picture

Fuck cancer.

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CHIMAIRA75's picture

I concur!!!

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CHIMAIRA75's picture

I concur!!! Fuck Cancer!!

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Ccacc's picture

Exactly… fuck cancer !!

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