MEXVOL's picture
  • 305

+ 6 Long way for fertility achieved


After 8 months come off from everything any AAS
Start FSH y LH 0.3.both and spermatobioscopy below 28,000,000 million sperm

finish on 75,000,000 million sperm (mobility) and everything show great on spermatobioscopy
Best number i have was FSH 6.5 and LH 6.0 main estro under control not over 20 with Arimidex help to higher númber of testosterone nevels 462ng

Protocol i used was enclomiphene 25mg-50mg a Day with arimidex 1mg a week, hcg 500-750ui E3D
Used paratropin only 1.5-2ui a Day but enclomiphene drop igf1 nevels like nolvadex do

my sperm is now refrigerated ready to return with ped's
Stop. Enclomiphene and bump up.hgh to 4ui and do another igf1 nevels check middle of next blast after 8 months gain 200 to 220lb fat but hold my sizde

Ordered from: 
Gymmanager's picture

Gosh Brothers this is the most encouraging thing I have read. I struggle with wanting to have a baby. I just turned 40 and I have no kids and my name dies with me. I went to a fertility dr and have virtually no sperm but have been blasting test for 3 years. I want to stop but the struggle with not looking how I want to yet , keeps me juicing. I need to prove to myself and my wife I really want this baby. I know I do but I'm so scared of losing everything I've gained. I've gone from 270 only benching 275 for 4 to 315 for 10. I weight 285 with ab visibility. I don't look like some of these people . I don't think I ever could. I also don't want to struggle with feeling like shit for who knows how long...
Uuuuuuuggggghhhĥh decisions decisions....

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DeeMan's picture

Brother I'm seeing more guys in their 40s who aren't Father's so it's definitely more common nowadays. Don't feel bad man. Yeah decisions but I bet once she has a child it will be the best decision that you've ever made. And yes things will change without a doubt. Decisions decisions

MEXVOL's picture

I know the feeling bro
The same thing happened to me, I was in depression for the first month due to hormonal shock due to low testosterone and not looking as usual, but every sacrifice has its reward, see it as a rest for your body and receptors, you can freeze your sperm like I did in My country, Mexico, $300UD a year and they can still help you with planning your baby male.or female selection
best genes too through vitro for 10k. Are you interested in the information? I can give you contact. It is a great city and you would surely save thousands compared to doing it in the US.

flounder's picture

I can’t stop laughing!!!! Bro this is me almost 30 years ago. I was also a big, for my size, bencher (315 for 6) and squatter (415) and was afraid of my impeding journey into fatherhood. Had my first son when I was 40. Two more quickly followed and I was living a life I could not have imagined could be so perfect. 2 years ago my youngest move away for college, like the first two, and it felt like the bottom had dropped out from under me. I cried for 2 months and it was so much harder having them leave than having them arrive. Growing up with three sons (cuz that is what we really do) was such a great run. Before the birth of the first, so so many folks said that’s it, u won’t be able to workout anymore, and that had me bummed. Turnout to be total bullshit!!!!! I simply changed my workouts to lunch time and the limited time and fast pace helped me make more gains! I benched 315 ( who really cares) well into my 50s and the only thing that slowed me down was a separated shoulder requiring surgery (mountain bike racing with my sons) and a ruptured tricep tendon requiring surgery (150 lb skull crushers with my son). I could go on and on and I probably should.
Bro, the fact that u have these concerns and articulate them so well is a sign that u will be a great dad! Tell ur wife u luv her, support her, and tell her u are in 100 present and don’t dump any of this petty shit on her…..cuz even when Im fighting with my wife, I thank her for giving 3 wonderful boys and a fulfilled life.
Only fertility prob was slightly lower sperm so it took a year of trying to breed.

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press1's picture

I think by 40 buddy you would really know if you wanted kids or not and if they will fit into the kind of life you want, I am the last carrier of our family name too but I know they are not something that will ever feature in my life. Also bare in mind mate that its not just the coming off steroids part and regenerating your own natural test again, but should you be lucky enough to get your GF pregnant your actual life will change a lot too when a child arrives. At first you will lose tonnes of sleep when its waking up in the night, you won't have nearly as much time to go to the gym and train and you will be doing different activities with your spare time too. Things do go back to the way they were in time, but from what I have seen on here when a new child arrives those first 5 years are drastically different and your usual routine gets put on hold.

Gymmanager's picture

That's the thing I didn't. I spent 7 years of my life in prison and up until age 33 I was a dope fiend. I got my life together now. I'm looked at as a positive contributing member of my city now. I help others with the same problem and I run a gym. I would of ruined any life I help create up until this point

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anvil's picture

Great to hear this my guy. Was never addicted to anything but being a douche bag. Doing time will give you a real perspective. Congrats and keep pushing forward.

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anvil's picture

5 years LOL loss of sleep. Once they stop crapping themselves then you gotta worry about everything in the world crapping on them. As a person who never planned on kids, I stand before you a proud father. Takes almost as much dedication as the gym, and sometimes less return. IF it works out well, it definitely will make you feel good.

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press1's picture

I must admit buddy, one of the things that would scare me about having children is all the badness in the world and possible risks of things happening to them out there. Getting into a relationship with the 'wrong' kind of guy, getting into a car with a young male driver, getting abducted, the internet and its various abusive sites etc the list goes on. If you are with a good solid woman though I am sure things aren't half as bad as I have them in my head.

anvil's picture

Yes everything is out of your control and tiktok is the king of their castle !

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Sackbird's picture

Good shit bro. I never got my sperm count checked but I was able to get my wife pregnant after a year of coming off everything and using low dose clomid for the first few months to get my LH and FSH back up. I probably could have done more to get her pregnant sooner but it all worked out eventually (after we “gave up” and stopped obsessing over her ovulation time).

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MEXVOL's picture

I come off from everything i spend alot $ on hcg,hmg clomid and fsh and lh improve Lil but test was 180ng = hypogonadism primary swich to enclomiphene ans hcg and 1 month after test improve 460ng and fsh and lh to so for me best Protocol was enclomiphene with hcg enclomiphene improve natural test nevels faster Just add arimidex because enclomiphene increase estro

DeeMan's picture

Happy for u man and yep just like nolvadex will drop IGF levels so will clomid. Word is in long run GH drops test levels somewhat but that's debatable and heresy. You focused on this for awhile now and finally achieved it

MEXVOL's picture

Yes sr Milk is safe frozen now lol

DeeMan's picture


Wildling's picture

I’ve been through three vials of 10000iu of HCG so far on my trip to get rebooted. Upped HGH to 7th daily as well. Probably getting sperm count done again mid August.

press1's picture

Are you off everything now bud - Test too?

Wildling's picture

Yep! lol

I think the HCG may be doing its thing as I only crashed for maybe 2-3 days. Libido hasn’t really picked back up but I’m sure it will after a couple more weeks.

MEXVOL's picture

Bloods not lie bro do it i do every 2 months for check what work better for pull testosterone nevels in better rango for main more muscle máss possible

Wildling's picture

I’m getting bloods drawn this week. Just won’t to see levels over my natural levels…

MEXVOL's picture

Yeah buddy is best way to know where you at
Im case you need add something for improve or lower estro if show you higher for example

My stick wake up Hard afk like trt days lol
Back on trt next week maybe some blast for.loosed 20 punds fat i gain this Last 8 months without diet and drinking beer lol

press1's picture

Sounds like you are doing well with it mate, you sound positive.

So how is it then, literally that first day or 2 when your Test numbers are totally crashed out and you have been on for a while - how do you feel mentally, are you able to even train at first?

Wildling's picture

I think I felt a psychological difference around day 16 after I stopped pinning the test. I also way above my TRT levels at the time I stopped pinning which I think helped slightly. A couple days after that I was fine. Libido is like a roller coaster, gym is fine when I go. I’ve been doing more jiu jitsu than anything lately… I’m going to start daily AM stair master tomorrow as I want to try to really shred up and see what the HGH can do. I’m not focusing on how much weight I can lift, although my back and legs have stayed consistently strong. We’ll see how it goes. I didn’t test the HCG I received as it was India Pharma. Maybe I should?

press1's picture

Sounds like a tough few weeks at first. I can see that doing another fitness interest/hobby aside from weight training is very beneficial when fully recovering - you get the mental and physical boosts from it still but you are not directly comparing your training to being on gear so it doesn't piss you off when things go down. It will do wonders for your fitness level too, bet bloods look so much better. Not sure about the HCG bud, I've only run a few labs in the past so not much experience with whats supposed to be reliable or not. I've always run the main pharma one that rhymes with 'Pregnant' LOL

Wildling's picture

It should show positive on a pregnancy test.

The older I get, and I know I’m only 35, I only care about looking good and being functional now.

press1's picture

Wait till the dawning reality of being 44 hits you bud - you don't know whether to laugh or cry!! LMFAO

press1's picture

Its Amazing how healthy all numbers begin to look when you come off ALL peds including TRT, those liver levels are very low. I wonder how @Stokes500 is getting on.

Stokes500's picture

Hi bro thanks for thinking about me, so I’ve not been on or posted much this last few weeks as I’m going through some shit. I have come off everything just running high at 4iu a day , ran clomid and tamoxifen pct schedule after 15 years of blasting and cruising. I felt like shit still don’t have a sex drive but can sort the Mrs out with the help of some Ed meds lol . I have a full hormone and blood panel Being run the end of this month then I’ll decide if I go on trt or can manage without. I have started to brake out in a bit of acne so I’m hoping that means my hormones are changing again and my test is coming back a bit but we will see. Also my farther passed away and I had to put my dog to sleep Friday so life’s been a bit brutal .

anvil's picture

Much love and respect my brother. Here if you need anything big guy.

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Stokes500's picture

Thanks my mate

simonmagus84's picture

Wishing you strength through these difficult times.

Stokes500's picture

Appreciate it buddy

press1's picture

Ohh Mate I'm REALLY Sorry to hear about your father, cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel, something I am also personally dreading when the time comes Sad Also getting your best friend put to sleep is a horrible feeling, you know its the kindest thing for them at the time but inside you feel awful for having to do it. Man when these things come its all at once eh. Has the TRT been easier or worse than you imagined it would be? Try and keep yourself strong mate, I know things must not be nice at all right now but just remind yourself that things will come good again, its just a passing moment that there is nothing you can do about right now Good

Stokes500's picture

Appreciate you bro

press1's picture

Also something to bare in mind mate, is you have gone through the worst part of the PCT cycle now what with dealing with bottomed out Test levels - so things should only keep getting better now. Hopefully your natural production will really begin to pick up and you will feel much better soon.

Bassnectar's picture

Gracias por compartir.

MEXVOL's picture

De nada hermano

23Sparta's picture

Badass bro, mission accomplished and a great post

MEXVOL's picture

yes sr Milk factory is frozen now lol

DeeMan's picture


anvil's picture

Mission accomplished, thanks for posting this buddy.

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MEXVOL's picture

Hotel this help another People want Kids and have same issue

anvil's picture

Yeah it definitely comes up a bunch around here.

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