eclipse35's picture
  • 109

+ 4 New labels from Monsta!


1x Superdrol *NEW
1x Anavar Pills *NEW
1x Dbol
1x Anadrol
2x Test Prop

Monsta Always delivers quality products!!! T/A was 5 days. Always a perfect transaction!!! Going to run Test Prop and one of the compounds to bulk quick for 6 weeks (approx)

eclipse35's picture

Pinned Superdrol with a 29g today NO PROBLEM!!! LOVED IT!!!

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Trenegade's picture

Monsta gear looks awesome,+1

SuperMax's picture

Nice stash! I want to try that injectable Superdrol +1

eclipse35's picture

I'll let you know how it is, I believe I'm starting it today!

Owes a Review × 1
Strangelanguage's picture

I want to try the injectable everything!! Lol

eclipse35's picture

Same here! I was amazed with his injectable Tbol! Asylum Protocol 101 is badass to the max!

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