Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

Oh yeah... :D


Kicking off my Accutane.. Biggrin

Shabba's picture

So how is the Accutane? is it working? I was on a script from doctor about 14 years ago in my 20's
it was the best thing a ever did. I had really bad acne. I did two cycle of it. I think it was like couple months on then a couple off then on again. The only issue I had was dry lips. so I drank a lot of water and I sipped on Gatorade all day and I bought some lip balm stuff different flavors and used that on lips. Now Once in awhile I get a flair up or to but nothing that is a big deal. I told my wife if my kids ever get acne bad enough I will try to get them on it. all of the other crap creams pills gels etc. I tried and the doctor made me take was a waste of time...

GrowMore's picture

What's in those capsules? Powder or an orange goo?

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

LOL you're joking right?

GrowMore's picture

Not at all mate. Just looking out for you. The reason pharma tane' is in a gel capsule in the form of orange goo is to preserve it, but also so it travels through the stomach (passed the digestive acids) and into the gut where it can be absorbed correctly.

Isotretinoin is such a dead serious drug I personally would always buy pharmacy.

Best of luck with it though mate, +1 I ran it for 8 months (under doctors supervision and regular bloods) and now I'm acne free.

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

Oh, really.. I just got straight up powder form. No gels... I'm just getting bloods done on it, No doctor.. just can't afford it, and probably never will be able to, it was just time to man up and get it going. I believe the reward outweighs the potential risk from everything I've read.

GrowMore's picture

I sympathise with you mate. Us Brits are lucky to have the NHS.

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juiceball8082's picture

His products gtg?

ReadyToKillIt's picture

He used to sell caber that was a mix of prami and nolva. Now, you can listen to the classic SRC line of "my supplier fucked me bro, you know i only want the best for my bros, bro we can bro through this if you'll give a bro a second chance". Personally one mislabeleld product is enough for me to give up on a SRC.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

I'm not on cycle, been off a while now. Gonna run this first.