Black90tsi's picture
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+ 4 Pomps Place GH IGF numbers


This is my results from running 4 iu/day of Pomps Place's GH. I've included my results from before I started as well. I found that the injection sites on my lower stomach when doing sub q started to get a little irritated so I ended up switching to IM in my delts which fixed the problem. I would do 1 2 iu dose first thing in the morning around 5:30 am and my second 2 iu around 5:00 pm which is about 30 minutes before I usually work out. I just stuck to my normal schedule for the test which was at 7:30 am. My morning shot was about 1.5 hours before getting the test. I had been running this dose for roughly 3 weeks at this point.

I'm not sure how I feel about the results. I was certainly hoping for more. But my numbers were pretty low to begin with. They've gone up around 250%. My recovery from workouts is worlds better than it was previously. Doesn't matter how hard i push myself within 48 hours there's no soreness anymore. My sleep quality has improved even if the amount of sleep I get hasn't increased. Definitely some weird, vivid dreams. I started at 2 iu/day and went up 1 iu per week. Once I hit 4 iu I started splitting the dose as was recommended to me. There were a couple nights where I had a weird, uncomfortable feeling in my forearm. An icy hot or salonpas patch on it helped me to ignore the feeling and get some sleep.

I've worked up to 6 iu now, though I don't notice any differences, from a different brand as I ran out of the stuff from Pomps. They were a great company to work with. I got 1 box for a promo on black friday. And hey gave me a discount coupon to get a second box so I could actually run this stuff long enough to give it a legit try. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to someone else just on how easy the order was and how helpful they were with everything.

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

250% increase is nothing to sneeze at. Seems like you are definitely experiencing some of the good benefits that HGH provides. Normally I would expect 4iu to put you in the upper 300's range. You could just be one of the unlucky ones that has a liver that doesnt' convert the HGH very well or have high levels of IGF-BP3. Bottom line is it is making a difference. Now if future testing with other brands reveals much higher IGF scores than I would consider this batch to be underdosed instead of your body's conversion rate.

DeeMan's picture

I would of thought IGF would be a bit higher with 4iu but if your IGF started very low then I can understand this score. Glad you're getting some benefits.

DeeMan's picture

@SeeOhShow I don't think we have the answer why his IGF score was low. Could be his metabolism, could be purity of GH...etc. Any correlation would be just speculation and could be right at this point

SeeOhShow's picture

100%. Hopefully he retests on the exact same dosing schedule with other brands. That info is useful for everyone here

Black90tsi's picture

I've already gone up in dose. But i intend to lower it back to 4 iu once i'm a couple weeks out from the end of my current cycle. I could retake the test with the same protocol then. I've got 4 or 5 different brands on hand currently that i'll be using throughout the year. Should provide some good testing feedback.

DeeMan's picture

If you have different brands then that would make it easier to figure out issue.

Black90tsi's picture

I have 4-5 different brands sitting in the fridge. Not too long after I started this run I was impressed enough with how fast my recovery was I decided to give it a full year. I'll stick with the GD stuff for a while as that's what i have them most of. With their BOGO it worked out to just under $48/100 iu shipped. So i ordered 600 iu.

DeeMan's picture

You stocked up! It will be interesting to see how they all score..especially the $48/100iu GH.

SeeOhShow's picture

Makes you wonder how ol Liver King was spending $10k/month on GH. On that 100IU/day protocol lol. Someone was fleecing him for sure

Black90tsi's picture

I'm sure it was pharma stuff. But I'd bet someone saw a guy with too much money and not enough sense took advantage of him. A dick move no matter who you do it to. But at the same time that's exactly what ole liver king was doing to everyone too. What goes around comes around I guess.

DeeMan's picture

They call it KARMA

DeeMan's picture

I always thought something was off about that guy. If I'm not mistaking, I think he had a low IGF score for the good amount of GH he was taking.

SeeOhShow's picture

Yea I’m not sure that’s how it works. If you have low natural test and injected 200mg it’ll put you at the same levels as someone with naturally high test who injects 200mg assuming you both metabolize exogenous test the same. Once you start injecting exogenous, then your endogenous loops/production no longer matter. He’d have to see what his levels are on same dosage of real pharm HGH or generic with very recent HPLC testing to see if it’s a product issue or bioavailability/metabolizing issue.

DeeMan's picture

@SeeOhShow Not sure if that's the case in beginning. If someone with low test levels injects 200mg of test his levels would be a bit lower than a guy with naturally high test levels who injects 200mg especially if test metabolism is the same. Yes eventually feedback loop will come into play but at beginning there would be a difference of scores. Shutdown isn't immediate. And for this GH blood test usually for every IU there is a 100 point increase in IGF. But it differs in some.

SeeOhShow's picture

Well we aren’t assuming 2 days after inject here lol. He even stated it’s been 3 weeks. The assumption should be homeostasis from exogenous dosing. Where now the only thing in play is your personal biology. I 100% agree two people can take the same dose and get wildly different numbers. I just think stating what someone’s natural production was prior alluding to why their levels are low for a given dose is not the correct correlation. We can all agree that it seems low for 4IU though. Hopefully it’s the gear and not how he metabolizes. Otherwise, he’s gonna have to be running 10IU a day and that shits gonna get pricey real fast

DeeMan's picture

Lol that's understood but even at 3 weeks a person isn't totally shut down, that's my point. I mean I see what you are saying though but I was covering all basis. Yes eventually other factors come into play. And about his score, we really don't know why this gentleman score low on GH test after all, but I see your point. Hope I cleared that up. @SeeOhShow

scoobydoo's picture

You think so Dee? That seems low to me for 4iu's. Plus, he was getting irritation from subq. But, I guess that would depend on if he gets subq irritation from other GH brands.

DeeMan's picture

Not sure why he scored low on test but there could be a few different factors such as metabolism, purity of GH etc. I just assumed metabolism but could be wrong. @scoobydoo

scoobydoo's picture

Absolutely. Could be a number of things. That's why I wouldn't say it's bunk. It very well could be him. Future testing of different brands will let him know.

DeeMan's picture

Yes I agree kind of low but I was saying it's good that he is getting some benefits that he mentioned.

scoobydoo's picture

Yes. some is better than none. He'll know for sure when he tests the new GH he's running.

Black90tsi's picture

I intend to do that in maybe a month or so. I'm now on the generics from GD Roids I picked up on the BOGO sale about a month ago. I'm now doing 1 shot first thing in the morning, 1 when I get home from work and a final one right before bed around 9pm. I do know that it runs through the system faster by doing IM. Debating whether I should go back to subq or just keep on with IM. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make here.

scoobydoo's picture

I'm not sure how much a of the difference there is between subq and IM. I've always done subq.

Black90tsi's picture

To the best of my knowledge it just changes the half life time window. IM is processed through the body a fair bit faster. Which I suppose could have something to do with the my numbers being so low.

Makwa's picture

That could have an effect on GH serum levels depending on how long after injection you pulled bloodwork but it wouldn't afffect IGF levels to any noticeable degree..

scoobydoo's picture

So, it shouldn't matter if he switches to subq before the next blood test?

DeeMan's picture

No. Also GH has a very short half life.

scoobydoo's picture

I just run the stuff, I don't know everything about it. Lol I run a low dosage. About 1.8iu's a day.

DeeMan's picture

That dose probably puts you at replacement levels for your age. That's all some ask for or need.

scoobydoo's picture

I have read some long term studies on igf-1 levels. Participants with igf-1 levels between 150 and less than 200 lived longer. I'm going for longevity.

DeeMan's picture

Yea I saw that before. I remember at one point the thought was 300ng level or slightly above. I'm sure you're lower than 200.

DeeMan's picture

Nothing wrong with that. So where does that 1.8iu dose put your IGF levels?

scoobydoo's picture

Don't know yet. I just checked and there's actually a lab only 45 minutes away. I'm thinking I'll go in June.

DeeMan's picture

Cool. You're probably at replacement level. I'm thinking that.

scoobydoo's picture

I'm hoping that.

Black90tsi's picture

I order my tests from ulta labs. Order the test online, print out the order sheet and bring it in with me to my local Quest Diagnostics and you'll get the results back in about a week. Really simple and the igf test was $70 after the 20% discount code I came across.

There are other companies that partner with Lab Corp for the blood work if you prefer them or that's what's more convenient.

scoobydoo's picture

Last time I checked, a little over a year ago, the closest lab was about an hour and a half away.

Makwa's picture

Not for IGF levels. When testing for GH serum you pin IM since quicker adsorption and easier to time the peak for bloodwork but won't matter for IGF since IGF levels stay elevated for extended periods and bloodwork timing is not as crucial for IGF compared to GH serum, which rises and falls in a matter of hours. The key metric for IGF testing is to be consistent with daily dosing for a few weeks since it takes quite awhile for IGF levels to rise to saturation, but in turn they stay elevated for much longer period also.

scoobydoo's picture

I remember when the GH serum test was the go to test for checking GH. Then it was discovered that some peptide could raise the GH serum level as well as GH. People would bang 10iu's for the test.

Makwa's picture

10iu IM was the standard protocol with bloodwork 3.5 hrs post injection to catch the peak. GH serum testing has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur as far testing for HGH quality since like you mentioned cheap peps could show high GH serum, but the corresponding IGF levels would be untouched. Elevated IGF levels are what we are after anyways, so it only makes sense to test for that if testing for anything. I am finding some merit in doing both tests in certain instances for people who seem to be what I would term a poor responder to HGH therapy though.

DeeMan's picture

I remember

Black90tsi's picture

Now i have the South Park member berries stuck in my head.

DeeMan's picture

I probably watched 1 or 2 episodes of that in total

Black90tsi's picture

You don't know what you're missing. They've predicted almost every single one of the outrageous bs that goes on in society years before they became main stream. Also it's usually pretty damn hilarious.

DeeMan's picture

Black90 @scoobydoo that's interesting. Yea I know it was funny.

scoobydoo's picture

You have to watch the Bro Down episode.

scoobydoo's picture

I would continue with IM. At least until your next blood test.