Claudezilla's picture
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Everything in the boxes still was my international order of TNE some TNE/OXY super test450 sust500 10mgVar 50mgAnadrol the open bottles were domestic order of 2 bottles super test 450 and had 3 bottles Mtren

Ordered from: 
DeeMan's picture

you have Bigorexia!!! You've just been diagnosed!!!

Claudezilla's picture

lol don’t we all though….like for real even!!!

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DeeMan's picture

Put it like this....when I feel like I'm getting smaller I just think damn...Claudezilla getting BIGGER so I need to get on it!

JakeKO's picture

My kinda Touchdown!!!! Awesome!

Rosschestzip's picture

I’ll never stop praising that TNE/oxy stuff. I gained about 12 pounds in a quick two week blast of that stuff. And it was really visible, like a huge noticeable change in my physique, shoulders popped, chest swelled, little size on the arms. It was crazy. I’ve never used anadrol tho, so I might try a two week run of it and see if I get similar results. Have fun with that stuff tho, I loved it pre workout!

Claudezilla's picture

Yes sir it’s some good stuff

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

Glad to see somebody receives their items. 2 packages sitting in customs now for over a month. My order was TNE/OXY & TNE but only received the TNE/OXY part. Hopefully it all ships out eventually. Enjoy your gear buddy

press1's picture

What's the plan with the MTren bud?

Claudezilla's picture

No immediate plans I’m a bit of a collector lmfao….are you familiar with FULL SEND…….shit even my wife made a smart ass comment about my full pharmacy

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DeeMan's picture

This needs to STOP Claudezilla! Lol

Makwa's picture

Turn the eyeballs yellow

Claudezilla's picture

Clearly I need a new phone this camera is apparently garbage (shrug) :-0

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