Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

+ 3 Simply Prop


Centrino Labs 2x Test-P

MusicMan's picture

I like that Prop that's for sure. It has worked great for me in the past and that's no lie

sic26's picture

U pin oils with those slins Smile

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sic26's picture

I seen those too just jkn how you been I know you are still working hard day n nite

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

LMAO, of course not dude... There's 25ga 1" in the background... quad pins

BulldogMuscle87's picture

+1 how is centrino oils lately ?

GrowMore's picture

Their test E isn't to hot from what I can tell from recent bloods.

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

Idk dude, never ran them... running SP Labs right now... I let you know but it's gonna be a long time coming before hand bro