Rosschestzip's picture
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Just got this promo from steriodify. Really appreciate it, I cant wait to try the TNE/oxy preworkout, if anyone's tried it and has any tips or advice on how it worked or whatever, that would be cool, Thanks alot guys!

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Jonwiggs8's picture

I'm glad it's oil based. I've ALWAYS been weary of water based gear and it steamed from an instance from a buddy not listening to me. I told him that liquid Winstrol can be drank but he loves shooting everything. I told him water based gear can get bacteria in it easily especially if you are not very clean with procedures. Well he got an infection and it caused a huge infection that lead to a hole the size of a golf ball and it scarred something nasty and looked like shit. So I'm glad that this is oil and not water based. Moral of the story, be careful with h²0 based gear and always be CLEAN when injecting anything.

In a promo × 1
Rosschestzip's picture

So can any of the injectable orals be drank? even ones in oil? like injectable dbol or superdrol? But Ya injecting water is very prone to complications, idk if its always from bacteria or if the body just doesn't like pockets of water in the muscle but it always seems to be an issue

Jimmy1048's picture

Fuck how good does that sound. Is water based obviously? I’d say try halve a ml 20 mins before training?

Rosschestzip's picture

no its oil based. I did a whole ml and got a fucking sick workout in. I was pretty impressed

Jimmy1048's picture

Hey mate, I’ve just ordered some I couldn’t help myself haha. Could you pin it subQ? I’m currently pinning EOD. Rekon it would be absorbed nicely or just IM?

Rosschestzip's picture

Awesome, its good stuff man, but idk ive only done IM, maybe ill do an experiment later and try subQ and see how it goes, but 1ml is too much for subq for me, .5 at the most

Jimmy1048's picture

Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Cheers bro

Jimmy1048's picture

Haha that’s the way! Might put this on my Xmas list! ;)

JakeKO's picture

I can vouch for that Test prop. Good stuff and gave me zero PIP