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+ 6 Swole-CHEQUE Drops * NEW*


Got a pack from the Swole man. He told me he was working on something new. Knowing that I am CYCO-he felt I needed to try this out.
CHEQUE DROPS-500 Mcg oral solution.
I will be hitting this in the morning-B4 am workout. Thanks Swole:-) also some Tne/Tren200/Tren base-Bang

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Daddydudeit's picture

always got the good shit!

Drywallstar's picture

Any experienced users know if cheque drops will mess with high blood pressure? I have been on meds since childhood and its under control.

killroy's picture

holy shit. This is some sexy gear stylin'. +1 Ya'll got bigger balls then me to try Cheque drops tho... literally... I think if I did any my nuts would turn into dust.

Drywallstar's picture


Drywallstar's picture

I wanna hear how it works for u big guy.

BeastMode5085's picture

nice grab! +1... that oral tren fucked my liver up. I was running 250mcg for 2 weeks then 1 week of 500mcg and even with Liv52 and Milk Thistle it sent my liver values over 111. Normal range was <71. Its almost 2 months since I stopped and I am still high but decreasing. Last reading was 82

catkinson's picture

Dam that sucks!! can u report any sides u think u had from elevated liver values??

Owes a Review × 1
BeastMode5085's picture

well my fucking tougne turns yellow every now and then hahaha. seriously, its like a film coat in the AM. I can brush it away but it comes back so I have to bring my toothbrush to work. I am definitely tired. I am in PCT so some of that is PCT but most is from a stressed liver. No pain or anything but man I have just been feeling off. Getting better now. I am still on Liv52, milk thistle and now have added Essential Forte to the fold. Next blood work is in Feb so we shall see.

I loved the results from the oral tren. Same as tren ace but didnt sweat as much and sleep wasn't as affected. Great pumps, excellent increase in strength and size. Helped cutting too. But not worth my liver getting hammered like this.

BeastMode5085's picture

injectable oral tren is supposed to be better since it isnt passed through the liver like an oral. cant find anyone who has it anymore but I thinnk I am done with this crap lol. It works, no doubt but I am not going to risk a flare up again and scar my liver

ReadyToKillIt's picture

since it isn't passed through the liver like an oral.

That is absolutely bullshit. Everything is processed through the liver.

BeastMode5085's picture

let me repphrase it, sorry... it is not digested like injectables and does not get processed in the same way as injectables. It is potentially less harsh on the liver in its injectable form. My fault, I typed faster than my brain processed.

FYI next time, try not being a dbag and just jumping all over shit... manners will get you farther than rudeness

BeastMode5085's picture

roid rage... ill send him some aromasin next time

YoungVet's picture

IF only some of the oldeies were here you would get trolled so hard for using oral tren haha

BeastMode5085's picture

yea no one forced me into it... no one spoke so highly that I was pressured into it. I made the choice. I did the research. I found out it aint right for me. Aint that the deal with any compound?

Swoleoil's picture

I'll have the injectible version of that in 30 days. Mtren. 1000mcg/ml I'm thinking. Maybe some blends too?

BeastMode5085's picture

mad scientist... change his name from swole to Dr Jekyl