cyco's picture
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+ 1 Today was a good day:)


So day started off bad. Got home and recieved 3 x T-400 from BD Dbol,and T-bol was sent has a sample from who is a source here on eroids. They picked some members who were registered in there page,and sent some samples. 6 days t-a. Also my brother came by,and gave me 3 x Tren ethanate 250 mg from fitness vigor,never heard of them. And gym manager gave me a Tren-ace 150 mg to try out.

yellafeva's picture

Did you try any of the fitness vigor gear?? I got some infront of me... Plz tell me its real Smile

just233's picture

Sounds like a great day to me.......Pin that shit and GROW!!!!

MITCH 23's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

Packages and gifts are great! Enjoy!

Gorillafit's picture

Its the little things that make it all worth while! LOL ;-P