Swollenog's picture
  • 36

+ 5 Touchdown!


Parapharma gear,
6 bottles Test E 400
2 pacs Anadrol 50mg 100 tabs

Ordered from: 
maximusuk's picture

Nice order like press1 said para orals are really strong and the dbol are very good

In a promo × 1
anvil's picture

Nice haul my guy

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Nice one buddy - Para Orals have always been strong as hell!! lol

Swollenog's picture

Absolutely love the parapharma Anadrol!

press1's picture

Their 20mg DBol tabs are great too - the Superdrol was too much for me though Lmao

Swollenog's picture

Yes , l've used the Dbol and it's of great quality!