gsleepy's picture
  • 331

+ 1 ventrogluteal how to


Ok so every guide I have ever seen show's how to find the sweet spot by using your hand. This works great unless you are self administering right? So, I made a template of my hand! Did my first ventrogluteal injection this morning and you know what? It's true! It is painless! The only thing that freaked me out was how long the pin was. I used a 1.5 in 23 g and you think it is too long but it isn't. I will say this much I did go painfully slow just in case i was in the wrong place... I hope this helps someone.


gsleepy's picture


gsleepy's picture

lol I thought I would give everyone here at Eroids a big Hand! LOL

boots2asses12's picture

trust me that is the worst place to inject if u get pip or swell a bit lol never again hardly walked for a week was like my whole leg was dead

gsleepy's picture

Oh yes! pinned the left side 2.5 mls yesterday I got NIP Now Injection Pain! LOL Wow! Yesterday was killing me. But it's all better now.... LOL

Monster666's picture

the super shocker hahahaha

24hourbulk's picture

Looks painful if missed!
lol i thought it was some weird anal fisting diagram at first lmao

In a promo × 1
MAC's picture

That's cool man +1
So it's basically your side? Like not the actual gouge, but near your hip?

gsleepy's picture

Correct the name just fools you

MAC's picture

I meant to say Glute not gouge wtf lol