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Londoner7's picture

Check your junk email mate or message them, they are usually lightning fast with shipping.

Darrenlel's picture

Baffles me how supreme dipped out of the top 10

BigZee's picture

Order landed within 48 hours of payment, & verification codes check out as authentic. Excellent services as always. Thank you brother

kibby's picture

Order in ais! ;)

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press1's picture

What did you go for bud?

kibby's picture

Hi bro,
Just some intex test cyp. I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve had some really shit test the last few months. I’m only trt for now and have been for a while so it’s pretty shit doing a review for trt only but if that’s al I’m using that’s all I can do.

The intex test is probably the most reliable I’ve had for a long time now so I’m going back on that shortly with bloods to follow

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press1's picture

You tried the Pharmaqo Test yet? That's currently my favourite UK Lab

kibby's picture

Yes bro I like it. It’s almost as if my body is rejecting everything I take after a few weeks. Ever since I had kidney trouble I’ve not been right some of the lads at work are on the gear and are gaining very well and feeling great

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press1's picture

Is everyone looking forward to the gyms opening again on the 25th then guy's :-)

aisgood's picture


Let’s hope when they open back up that we all consider everyone around us.

Be safe and we all can’t wait! Smile

press1's picture

Hey Bud :-)

Have you seen that in 2 weeks we will ALL have to wear face masks in the shops now otherwise we get a £100 on the spot fine! Think I may as well just buy a proper reusable fabric one rather than buying disposables each time.

Faz's picture

Make sure your mask is ffp3 rated mate, anything less wont fully protect you.

GrowMore's picture

You telling me the ones the old lady knitted across the road from me doesn’t cover me against COVID-19?

Ffp3 are single use I think, and at £10 a pop, shit will get expensive if you are required to wear one regularly.

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press1's picture

Its funny ya know mate, I was in the Barbers yesterday and asked him if they were gonna be asking customers to wear face masks and he just said 'no' as they already do Lol Have asked in other stores too and they aren't even bothered - Don't think Boris's plan will take off in all honesty .....

GrowMore's picture

I can see independent shops who’s customer base is not the most at risk not taking to much notice of it but supermarkets, larger department stores and ‘old people shops’ whatever they might be, will take it very seriously. It seems to have worked some what in the states, I’ve seen loads of videos of people suffering the backlash of not wearing a mask.
In my work we’ve put a huge amount of safe guarding in place, it’s gone mental. Can’t say it’s much fun but it is what it is, last thing I want to do it potentially pass on the virus onto someone who’s managed to avoid it so far!

I’ve brought some cheap cotton ones for the shops and I’ve got some of the proper job ones incase I need to be around someone who is most at risk like my mum.

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press1's picture

Yeah I see your point - the smaller shops I guess don't need to be as paranoid about it but the larger ones definitely do. If they are caught not enforcing it I guess they will be sued big time. Thing is the more other people are wearing them the more guilty I'm now feeling not doing it. Plus you get glared at especially in Sainsburys of all places. Waitrose I didn't see one person wearing a mask today!! Try their Blueberry crumble Ice cream mate - only £3 a tub and its amazing. Pieces of biscuit aren't massive in it either so its still just like an ice cream Lol

GrowMore's picture

It’s a little silly though as 90% of the masks people are wearing really do fuck all so they really make 0 difference anyway, just a bit of fabric over your face. As Faz said they need to be ffp3 and have plenty of life in them.

I’m surprised you’ve been in either of those store mate, no offence haha, they are rip off. I’ll give it a shot, I’m still waiting on trying the first one you recommended as I haven’t been to morries in a while.

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press1's picture

Sainsbury's was always the one I use to shop at, but then as food got better in Asda and I have a 24hr one virtually on my doorstep I started to venture there as its cheaper too. All I care about is where the food is good even if its a cheapo store. Waitrose is more a treat for myself for their Ice cream and a few ready meals, its about 1 mile from me. When I've tried to do a regular shop there you can't get half the stuff you need and it is defo more expensive - BUT the women in there are so much hotter!! I was chatting up the checkout girl today about some Double yolk eggs I had bought Lmao - with half my chest hanging out after a benching session, she was loving it hahaha

GrowMore's picture

Flexing the triceps while typing the card pin in haha, we’ve all been there!

We do a shop once every 2 weeks and notice £100+ difference between shops hence why I shop at asda, lidls and a meat supplier- 20kg of chicken breast for £80 and 80oz of sirloin steak for £25.

I’m so tight I’m thinking about buying chickens to save some cash but I’d need 10+ chickens and that would be a lot of hassle.

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Faz's picture


We’ve been using them for work, you can get them multi use where u swap out the filters cost £30, little bit excessive looking but I was working in the 2 sisters chicken processing plant last month with one on and didn’t get sick, they’ve had to shut the site now because of that many confirmed cases.

There are single use ones, I managed to find some normal looking ones ffp3 rated on eBay cost £80 for 50 masks.
Just going to use those and change mask once a day.

GrowMore's picture

Well worth investment in protecting the people around you and yourself. I had a look online and found 3m made some, they do look narly but obviously work.

I’ve found a 28 day lasting one, not sure on the quality but I’ll read more up on them. Would save a bomb using them rather than the disposable ones.

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Faz's picture

Yeah that’s pretty much the same one I use for work.

Exactly mate, I’ve saved loads during lockdown so a few extra quid on a mask is worth it.

These are the ones I’ve got myself and my gfd...

GrowMore's picture

Cheers. I’ll look at getting a handful for the family. The missus would kick off if I got her to wear a darth vader mask!

We are the lucky few who have managed to work the whole way through this, I didn’t realise how much we spent taking the kids on weekend out.

I know loads of people who are now on universal credits that were successful before the pandemic.

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Faz's picture

Definitely lucky to have worked mate.
My dads a taxi driver and this lockdown has financially ruined him.

press1's picture

I can imagine mate - I barely saw any Taxi's on the roads at night during Covid. I guess no one was allowed to go visit anyone, go to work, or anywhere really. Only thing you could basically do was go food shopping wasn't it - I find it so strange when I stand and look at eggs in Asda now that most of the time they were completely sold out - Best case scenario was they still had some mixed weight ones left with feathers and shit all over them Lmao ...

Faz's picture

They were still around here but never working, just sat hoping for a job.
If it goes back into lockdown he’s screwed to be honest.

Have you got no farms near u? You could just get eggs from them? There’s loads on the outskirts of town for me

aisgood's picture

Yes I think reusable ones would be more practical.

Will see what will happen we can only guess at this time being.

press1's picture
RapidZ's picture

Next day delivery, top notch delivery here. Will report back with effectiveness later.

kibby's picture

Not but hugging but this source is probably the fastest and most reliable source from the U.K. section at least.

Once ordered and had tracking 4 minutes later lol!

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