aisgood's picture
aisgood 211

Estimated T/A: 
Next Day available in UK

Minimum Order: 
No Minimum

Payment Methods: 
Bank Transfer, Bitcoin

Please note

We are proud to offer outstanding service and free worldwide shipping to our customers.

Baller87's picture

Just curious who is supposedly the best lab supreme carries or what lab is the “best” in uk at the moment. Thanks!

sebzter2's picture

Hey mate

I put in an order for your arimidex and paid for it. I’ve sent you an email last night and this evening. I can see you’ve replied on here so Im checking that you’ve got them?

aisgood's picture


Have replied to every single email I had.

If anything give us your order number in the PM to check the status for you.

Thank you

mdef's picture

Do you give tracking numbers for international orders?

mdef's picture

Hey bro. I sent you a friend request. I placed an order man, but my dumbass bought the bitcoin with my bank account and it’s going to take 9 days to clear. Smh. Once it clears I’m in. Btw, I’m the USA how long does it take to get here?

aisgood's picture

Morning Sir,

Ahh as long as it clears you shall be fine.

To USA depends 1-2 weeks you should have it with you.

Tracked package at every stage so you can follow the parcel.

If anything you can give us an email any time, shall get back to you shortly with any questions.

Thank you

Dope's picture

Hello ais , you gone stock intex primo ace and primo enan injects ?



In a promo × 2
aisgood's picture

Hi Dope,

Primo E should be with us within couple of days time!


kibby's picture

Any idea on price ais?

This is something I'm very interested in.

Also any labs on the primo ace tabs? If so I feel a bank loan coming on LMFAO

Owes a Review × 1
Dacky's picture

It’s primo ace Inject buddy. Likely to be painful AF!

press1's picture

I think he means the Intex Primobolan 25mg Tabs

Dacky's picture

Ah right I didn’t know they make the tabs. They make both ace an Enanthate Injectables though and that’s what Dope is talking about.

Dope's picture

Excellent Ais !

Please keep me informed !

Gone put an order for the enan to try it while i wait for the ace



In a promo × 2
Dacky's picture

I wonder what the PIP on the Primo Ace is going to be like!!!

Dope's picture

I will try ... i have had ace inject 6 times

The 5 i couldnt use it but the one i could .. oh man oh man ... i fucking loved it ..

So will try 1 vial and see haha



In a promo × 2
aisgood's picture

More than welcome too.

Will let you know once it has arrived.

Thank you

Dope's picture

Great ! Thank you brother

Gone keep and eye to grab 5 of the enan when its on



In a promo × 2
kibby's picture

Order landed next day as usual with zero problems ais!

Thanks for the top service brother

Owes a Review × 1
aisgood's picture


Glad to hear that!

Thank you

press1's picture

You on that Intex Superdrol kibby?! lol

kibby's picture

Hahaha!!! Nah mate just getting things in place for my cycle when I'm back from jollies

Owes a Review × 1
press1's picture

I bet you'll spend more time laid out on that sun lounger itching to get back to start pinning and training again than you will thinking about the holiday hahaha Smile You going with the Mrs or pals?

kibby's picture


I'm with the wife and kids bro......its a much needed break and it's all inclusive so I'll show the Turks how to drink LMFAO!!!.

I will be honest tho I'm itching to get back to it and cant wait

Owes a Review × 1
aisgood's picture

Hey Guys! Hope everyone has been having a good week so far Smile


Magnus - Yohimbine
Intex - Yohimbine
Intex - Accutane
Intex - Superdrol

Recently restocked goods!

Magnus - Sibutramine
Magnus - MT2
Magnus - Methyl Test
Magnus - HGH Fragment

If anyone has got any questions regarding products or in general please give us a shout over PM or email/telegram.

We welcome any questions!

Thank you

press1's picture

Order in for some Hardcore Magnus Tren ace guys Smile Lol

Dacky's picture

When will you guys be restocking the Magnus IGF-1 LR3?

aisgood's picture

Morning Sir,

We have got them on order. Just waiting for their arrival.

As soon as they are here they will be online.

Roughly hoping a weeks time.

Thank you

Dacky's picture

Thanks for the update mate!

Jonwick982's picture

How's the SIS Tren-X? Was wanting to try an oral mtren but SIS orals are kinda hit or miss from what I've heard. Havent seen any review of it and dont want to commit to buying it until I hear some feedback on it

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