teamroids's picture
teamroids 278

Estimated T/A: 
Worldwide : 5-31 days / US DOMESTIC : 3-7 days.

Minimum Order: 
No minimum order!

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoin,MoneyGram, Zelle, ETH and Western Union.

Please note

Orders are placed on our web shop
For further contact, use the PM or ticket system.

We offer you top notch products, prices and service!

TeamRoids - the best team ever!

Larsbrahh's picture

Hello guys! I send u an email but I didnt get any reply

Should I message u here?

Greets Lars

teamroids's picture

Hello mate
pm sent


Pumped_'s picture

Parapharma Susta350 landed today. Very discreet!

zachcrane's picture

Var goodies arrived after about 14 days and I start in two weeks.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

2 x Susta 350 arrived from promo , will start using it this week at 0.4ml every 5 days instead of the test e I was using . Thanks a lot TR !!!

alekaras's picture

promo pack landed !!thanks TR!!

In a promo × 1
ChickenBirdOfGains's picture
Tater's picture

Can anyone give feedback on the para pharma proviron? *edit just seen robs comment below so I'll be Giving them a try at that price Smile

vinnyphysique's picture

Promo pack landed and some of the fastest shipping I’ve had from a int source. Thanks TR!

Ward223's picture

Pack arrived!!! 14 days from ship date. Thanks TR for being solid! Will post a reveiw when done with this cycle!

Cade35's picture

Loving the sales TR is putting on lately but I gotta say I've had some shipping issues in my last 3 orders. They have made good on everyone so far and at the end of the day I get what I ordered and sometimes a little extra, however today is the 3rd time in 2 months that I got shorted on my pack. Was a decent size order and was missing my test suspensions.
Total bummer, now the waiting game. This pack did take longer than usual but still less than 3 weeks so no complaints there

Owes a Review × 1
Cade35's picture

That's good preaching too brother. So true. Fortunately I'm g2g, my buddy however isn't. I mean actually he is, the suspension isn't a necessity, just a great compund to run preworkout. He knows the name of the game, $#!t happens, and we wait.

Owes a Review × 1
shredski's picture

DP sale pack landed 9 days from the day I placed the order can't complain about that. Thanks team roids.

teamroids's picture

thanks for posting mate

landmaster247's picture

Got my promo, and they accidentally shipped to me twice, and are nice enough to let me keep the second pack. Ill be pulling bloods in the 4-5 week area.
Thanks a bunch teamroids

xatarr's picture

can someone say anything about the:


is it g2g?
especially drosta is for me important. im a lil bit disappointed about the Dragon drosta E, hard to find a good one.

D4RKSiDE's picture

Haven't used those compounds personally, however im using quite a few other para pharma products atm and there 100% legit, TR have lab test results for some/most of the para pharma range, all test results were spot on! Deffo worth a try mate! Good luck

xatarr's picture

hey bro,

what is TR?
Before i buy the DP drosta i also see a lab result on Internet but i have much better drostas before to a much lower Price. so thats why i ask.

Cade35's picture

I'll take " WHAT IS TR FOR $200 PLEASE, ALEX"

Owes a Review × 1
D4RKSiDE's picture

Lmao =')

shredski's picture

Lmfao hahah

james laser's picture

hi bro
where do you ship from

james laser's picture

I want to buy from your promo
Where do you sent Genotropin 36 ius pen from

D4RKSiDE's picture

They ship world wide, dispatch is from several countries depending on what you order, A+ Delivery times.

D4RKSiDE's picture

Another successful order from the guys at TeamRoids!
It took only 24 hours to get to my doorstep from being posted lol =)
Thanks TR!

robb's picture

You'll love the proviron, best provi I've had to date.

D4RKSiDE's picture

A few people have said the same mate, looking forward to giving it a run!

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