domestic-supply's picture
domestic-supply 9

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 92% 5 Quality 88% 5 Delivery 100% 5 Service 100% 5 Pricing 84% 5
ChemDawg2000's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 3 (1 vote)

When it comes to shipping and ease of use, this source has always been my go to. Very fast and very discreet. Usually I only order Test C, so that is what I will be referring to in my review. Beligas 400 to be exact

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 2 (1 vote)

Usually I only order Test C, so that is what I will be referring to in my review. Beligas 400 to be exact. I used to love domestic supply but recently my
Last two orders had bunk vials. They did absolutely nothing, and caused insane pip/ swelling which almost developed into abscesses but luckily I had antibiotics on hand. And no, this was not a one time thing, or a hygiene issue as it happened with my latest order (2/2 injections from a brand new vial) and with a vial from a previous order (which I decided not to share because I figured it was a fluke). The good vials that do come in my orders are usually very high quality, but lately I’ve been getting some
Bunk vials mixed in, so I can no longer recommend this source.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

So good that I’ve never had to deal with them.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very quick and very discreet. 10/10

Price to performance
Additional comments

Overpriced considering you will most likely receive a fake vial or an unsterile product which has the potential to cause some serious health issues.

I do not recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] domestic-supply » hello. first of all bro - you even didn't contact us. the second - there is WARNING in description to all high concentrated products - if you are going to use a high concentrated drug for the first time, we strongly recommend to inject only ½ ml to check the body reaction and to prevent possible side effects, which can include post injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc. not everyone can use high concentrated gear. I am really sorry it happened to you.
  • ChemDawg2000 » Unfortunately it’s also happened with a couple Beligas 250 vials in the past as well… Seeming more and more like Beligas might be the issue here. Also, on top of the pip and swelling, it’s not doing anything. Regular 200 works better then this batch of Beligas 400. Also I recently ditched the first vial, and tried my luck on a second vial. I injected way less with the same effect. I cracked open a bottle and the oil did not look right… tossed the remaining vials. Too sketched out to try my luck on the other 2 unopen vials
daddyfixit's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I have ordered from many sources after beginning my total body rebuild over a year ago. Domestic-Supply has been the one source I can always count on without issue. Their shipping is exactly as advertised. You don't get the shipping label created, and package sits for 3 days like many of the other suppliers I have dealt with. When you get shipping info from these guys the package is on the move. I honestly have nothing negative I can think of regarding this supplier.

Products, effectiveness and results

I have ordered many item: Tren, Test cyp/enth. dbol, HGH from GenSci. (amazing product) and numerous PCT products. All items that have been ordered are very effective and rest assured they don't sell fakes.

Customer service

Always very responsive via email. Typical response is less than an hour. Ordering process is as easy as it gets using Bitcoin.

Shipping and Delivery

Packages always tightly wrapped, and packages are never damaged. Unlike some suppliers that are using the USPS bubble envelope with small peptide vials just thrown in the bag you will never see that with this supplier. They literally are the best in the game.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Ajdgear's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Have been going to DS for a few years now. Selection of products is extensive and quality of same is on point. I regularly get sust, tren, clen, winstrol and cyp also have acquired high quality HGH (which had great effects) and other injectable test varieties.

Products, effectiveness and results

Sust and tren added 15 lbs of lean muscle. Have been using clen and winstrol to cut a bit going into summer. Results are easy to see in gym. Strength is up energy and libo are very high.

Customer service

Greg and staff at DS are extremely helpful and quick to answer any questions or concerns I have ever had

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery has been as fast as 2 days and never more then 4 domestic in the U.S.A. packaging is always tight secured and inconspicuous.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Placing an order today. Domestic supply is my one and onlg source for quality products extraordinary customer service and reliable delivery.

I recommend shopping here!
KevinBrian487's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I absolutely love
There always in stock with what I want and delivery is always quick

Products, effectiveness and results

I used the Beligas CypoTest 250 and I literally gained 20lbs from it in 8 weeks
Appetite through the roof sex drive through the roof strength through the roof..

Customer service

Always a quick ordering process

Shipping and Delivery

Always gets to me within 4 days

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Cynaster's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Great, Package was deliver fast, discrete, as advertised.
Everything looks right, will be doing business again.
Guy is responsive!

How do you feel on this stuff:
increased sex drive, severely increased appetite, increased energy, better lifts.

How much weight gain:
04/05/2024 - 168.0 pounds
04/09/2024 - 172.4 pounds

How is your appetite: severely increased appetite, I am always hungry, sometimes it’s woken me up from sleep.

Body fat up or down: body fat is down

PIP, acne:
PIP: zero pain during poke, post injection pain: mild pressure, occasional faint bruising, goes away within a day or so, does not interfere with daily activities or lifts.

25mg Dbol a day broken up in 3 doses for the first 7weeks

1 mil test E250 / 1 mil tren A100 12 weeks

Monday: .5ml test E250 / .33mil Tren A100
Wednesday: .33 tren A100
Friday: .5 mil test E250 / .33 mil Tren A100

Products, effectiveness and results

Products look right, appearance and behavior of solutions is appropriate, so far so good!

Customer service

Very responsive, fast shipping, worked with me despite having to re order.

Shipping and Delivery

Ordered 04/01/2024 @ 4:45pm
Paid immediately.
Shipment confirmation and tracking provided: 04/02/2024.
Package arrived: 04/05/2024!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/09/2024 - 19:53
dave_7685's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

meat1's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very happy to have came across this source simply due to the fact that they offer pharma gear & other high quality labs with domestic shipping. Prices are the same if not cheaper than some international sources.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Purchased 1 box of ZPHC OXANDROLONE 50mg x 100tabs.

I included the Anavar purchased by DS at the end of a test/primo cycle. ZPHC oils have always been good to me and these Anavar tabs were no different. I ran the var at 25mg ED for the first week then 50mg weeks 2-4. I noticed some abnormal stomach issues and sometimes trouble sleeping when increasing to 50mg at week 2, but not bad enough to where I felt the need to drop back down to 25mg. My appetite increased like it always does with var, I felt tighter around my abdominal area, strength stayed about the same, but had good pumps and maintained a full look if not better than I previously had with very little water retention. This was a perfect choice IMO to throw in at the end of my cycle. I’m very pleased with this var.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very little communication needed. Responded very quickly to the 1 question I had.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

3 day TA. Package was discrete and item secured properly inside.

Price to performance
Additional comments

With the quality of gear that DS offers with domestic shipping, I recommend purchasing from this source!

I recommend shopping here!
Bignasty89's picture
My overall experience

This is my second time using this vendor my overall experience with them is great from payment to confirmation on there end to shipping is all flawless no need at all to reach out they inform you every step of the way if you do email them they respond usually within the hour

Products, effectiveness and results

Products order
Test E 300
NPP 100
Anavar 10mg
The test E is great only using 1 cc a week my sex drive has gone up much better product then the last company I was using the NPP doing only 200 mgs a week and my strength has gone up 3 weeks in a row and shoulder doesn't feel no pain at all since I started
The anavar is f***ing amazing I only take 20mgs 30 minutes pre-workout pumps and vascularity are insane
Anavar and test E are Pharmaqo NPP is Beligas

Customer service

Customer service is truly great no need to communicate or reach out to them as they keep you informed every step of the way few time i did reach out was to thank them or give them my payment confirmation and they respond within the hour

Shipping and Delivery

This my second order with them both times received everything I order packing secure first order arrived in 6 days second order arrived in 4 days honestly truly impressed with this company

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are super legit they definately have my business moving forward its such a relief that you can find a good source that ships quickly and you know you can trust definately recommend using these guys

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/27/2024 - 19:08
Roider007's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Firstime using this source and all i can say excellent service from start to finish.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4 x canada pep test enanthate

Firstly the packaging on this brand is outstanding very proffesional looking with codes etc.

I was using these at 600mg weekly split after deciding to increase from my usual 250-300mg dose.
My goal was to increase some lean mass without gaining to much unwanted weight. The test felt good very smooth no pip got all usual same signs whenever i increase dose like mild acne oily skin which i control with my ai so doesnt go out if hand since i am sensitive to estro.
Workout felt way better alot more energy strength overall good fullness & pumps which comes along with my increase of carb intake during this cycle.
Libido went up which felt rather good back like many years ago on high test cycles.
End result was i gained a few pounds nothing too drastic as still kept clean diet but had id indulged more id defo would have gained alot more but i like to keep myself leaner @ 195lb - 200lbs as i feel best at that weight.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Everything on point very little communication needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very discreat package and fast delivery 2 - 3 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good source, good lad selections and prices are fair.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/29/2024 - 19:12
Deebo12's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Overall very happy with the products I’ve received and used

Products, effectiveness and results

Test e 300 mg
Anavar 50 mg

Using 600 mg of test e a week, and 50 mg of anavar once a day before workout

For the test-e I’ve seen strength go up and quality of workouts go up as well nice gains
Also very horny from this dose and energetic
Appetite- not much change for myself
Pip- hardly any very mild

The anavar giving me great blood flow and pumps during workouts as well

Customer service

One thing about this source they are very understanding quick to respond answer questions etc with these guys you’re in good hands!

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery very discreet , T/A very fast

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/25/2024 - 16:31
Kpacubo's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Using this website for more than 3 years!
Same day delivery in LA! Highly recommend

Products, effectiveness and results

Pharmaqo, Ultima legit 100%

Customer service

Fast. No problems

Shipping and Delivery

Really fast

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Tanadrol's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

On 400mg/wk Tren, 500mg/wk Test, and 50mg Anadrol as a preworkout my girlfriend enjoyed the increase in libido and I was happy with strength increase. My weight stayed the same maybe lost a couple of pounds due to dieting while on cycle. My appetite would come and go. Some days starving, while other days I wouldn’t want to eat. My body definitely recomposed itself and lost some fat, but not a lot. I began getting minor acne on my back that I’ve always had that sometimes comes and goes. Honestly, I cannot objectively determine that the gear I used was the root cause. The most significant change I noticed was an increase of 40 pounds on my bench press. Anadrol back pumps are real.

Additionally, I promised that I would leave a review with bloods. So, here we are—before and after hopping on domestic. Although, my testosterone levels on my next labs will be much higher now that I‘m starting a 90 day supply of a TRT script with Sermorelin from a compound pharmacy.

Estrogen is out of control but I didn’t take much of an AI.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren E 200mg Canada Peptides
Anapolan Turkish anadrol
Iranian testosterone enanthate ampules

Day before bloods: 400mg Tren E, 250mg Test E, (3) 50mg Anadrol

12 week cycle gained strength on every lift.

Customer service

Proper communication.

Shipping and Delivery

My package was actually opened. Not blaming the warehouse at all. Could be curious neighbors or mailman. But regardless, happy that I got sealed ampules and sealed orals.

Delivery was within same week. 10/10

Price to performance
Additional comments

I cant upload my old damn labs but they were from 03/07/2023 and my testosterone was 295 ng/dL and estradiol was 17.2 pg/mL.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/10/2024 - 18:15
MattyC42's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great service and selection! Very helpful from start to finish!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test E 300, deca 300, Cardarine Pharma q and some caber

Ran low dose test 300 weekly, deca 150 weekly Cardarine 20mg daily Caber as needed for relief of small prolactin increase. Recomp and rehabilitation for my knee after surgery. Leaned out nicely from 225lbs to 200lbs progressive circuit in AM and 3 day weights split. Strength and stamina increased greatly libido up and overall fitness improved. Knee pain almost unnoticeable! Great run awesome products!!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great service and communication! Fast response every time.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast! Days after placing order!! Discrete

Price to performance
Additional comments

Top notch source!!! Thank you for the awesome service!!!

I recommend shopping here!
Zalewski's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered Ozempic because I wanted to see if they had a high quality unique items and I have been extremely happy with the quality.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have used the ozempic at 0.25mg and 0.5mg. At 0.5mg it absolutely kills appetite to an extent I haven’t experienced before.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very polite and helpful

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick, under 2 weeks in all.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/06/2024 - 05:33
WorkHardPh.D's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I've received my first package pretty quickly, and just ordered more today! Great experience so far!

Products, effectiveness and results

Good quality, sealed, bubble wrapped

Customer service

Great, fast reply!

Shipping and Delivery

Fast, efficient

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
PumpedDude22's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • [SRC] domestic-supply » what is your order number? we ship always within 48h - tracking number maybe provided little bit later for security reasons
  • [SRC] domestic-supply » will you reply? or it's fake feedback
chickenmaster's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Second order (first order was a promo). Overal experience is excellent. Nothing to complain about.

I really like Hilma Biocare. That is why I ordered some extra for a short blast after my cut with Hilma.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered:

2x Primobolan enanthate Hilma Biocare
1x Testosterone enanthate Hilma Biocare
1x Testosterone undecanoate Hilma Biocare

I blasted with 500 mg of test per week for 8 weeks and 250 of primo. Gained around 5kg with some water weight. Strength gains were steady also used a little bit of HGH from another source locally (2iu per day). Good focus and energy while training. Very satisfied with these results. Sleep was good and always counted my calories.

No post injection pain! Also injected subq. No problems. The only thing I’ve learned do not inject more than 0.33ml subq or you will learn the hard way!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is excellent, they communicate within a day so that is great. Ordering easy through their website and confirms the order quickly after paying with crypto.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was discreet, well packaged and arrived within 1 week so very happy with that!

Price to performance
Additional comments

It is a great source to buy from, very friendly and helpful. I am a fan of Hilma Biocare, they have premium packaging and the vial has a rubbering seal that is stronger than other brands. The results are as expected from good quality.

I recommend shopping here!
ShikenNbrokolie's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Domestic supply is Amazing brought me back from a dark and low point in my life. I hit a nasty wall gaining unwanted weight and going through deep depression my body felt brittle and weak I kept getting sick after I did my research and came cross domestic supply and that’s when my life changed for good from ordering to shipping everything went smooth delivery is fast just like stated 2-3 days and it’s there. I also lost 23lbs so far I started eating healthy again my motivation came back my mood became positive again my body physique changed I have more muscle I used to work out and never really seen results until I decided to jump on these special mixes I felt like I came back to my normal self again I am very happy I took this route I look good and feel amazing again my lifts and strength has went up! Another very important thing that happened was my erections and libido came back it had gone away and I felt extremely bad and embarrassed but luckily after giving these special mixes a try I can officially say I am back baby!

Products, effectiveness and results

Special mixes Beligas Test,tren,mast & test,tren,eq
Legit my body physique has changed I have more denser muscle an definition on my frame mood and libido have went up strength has increased I lost 23lbs my friends and peers tell me I got big AF pip was minimal in the shoulders but in glutes no pip at all thus far.

Customer service

Great customer service I am very happy how everything has been going for me. Every time I reach out someone is always there to answer any questions.
Ordering process smooth 10/10.

Shipping and Delivery

Fast delivery, discreet packaging, price is reasonable

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you domestic supply for the amazing quality work you guys do over there! I’m am happy to say I will be a customer for life!!!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 10/31/2023 - 18:29
laxman3221's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great communication after I ordered and follow up emails were answered quickly. Shipping was super fast.

Products, effectiveness and results

Beligas Etho-Testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate) 300mg/ml

Very effective product.My strength increased quite a bit. I was running 400 test and 300 nandralone with me testing at about 2000 total T.

Little PIP and libido through the roof.

Customer service

Great communication and super fast response to emails.

Shipping and Delivery

Package arrived in 3 days and was double shrink wrapped so no possibility of leakage.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will use them again in the future.

I recommend shopping here!
JGJ's picture
My overall experience

5 star. Very professional. Amazingly fast shipping. my last order was $4k. He even threw in 3 free bottles. Awesome communication

Products, effectiveness and results

100% legit products. Growth - hands are numb AF. Primo has nipples sore. Tren got me sweating.

Customer service

What can I say. Above and beyond any transaction I’ve experienced.

Shipping and Delivery

Super fast. Like 2-3 days. I literally told him it was faster than Amazon when I received my first order. Same on every after.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Don’t hesitate. Exceeded all expectations. Would recommend and definitely look no further.

I recommend shopping here!
laxman3221's picture
My overall experience

This was my first order from DS and the package arrived in 3 days. They are a five star out fit with great communication.

Products, effectiveness and results

Pharacom Deca worked as they should with nice strength increase

Customer service

Fast and easy to communicate with Greg.

Shipping and Delivery

Fast shipping and delivery. Discrete and secured packaging that was double shrink wrapped.

Price to performance
Additional comments

You can't go wrong ordering from DS. I will order from them again.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/26/2023 - 17:31
isebas76's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience

Got this source recommended by a gymbro
Definitely gonna order again in the future

Products, effectiveness and results

They have Different brands and different prices, have ordered some pills to replace some that i got from another source that i did not like.
The Beligas Retro-Cialis is amazing

Customer service

Very nice and helping

Shipping and Delivery

Good, delivery as expected, on time

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will be using this source again in the future

I recommend shopping here!
Joey3390's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Domestic supply is good. Fast shipping times and response times for any questions. Most of the time you'll have your product 3 days from order , by the time you get tracking it's close to your door. If ang delays either ds will post a delay warning or elaborate on it in email. I hear a lot of shit about competing companies and their toxic history. I really don't care the split history, this dude comes through and that's what matters. This isn't an moral issue for me I just need legitimate product and he delivers on that.

I've made probably 20 orders for others. Every single order came and had good results with proper diet and regimen.

Products, effectiveness and results

Good and sealed

Customer service

Best communication I've seen and I've explored quite a few sources

Shipping and Delivery

Fast delivery , discrete packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

Glad to see this guy moving up, don't worry about the cheap website graphics, that stuff doesn't matter.

I recommend shopping here!
jimmyroof1121's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

My overall experience with Domestic Supply has been great always get package at my door fast and safe I've gained 25 pounds in a week using Test E , Tren H , costumer service is always very nice and patient with me . I highly recommend Domestic Supply!
Quality of products
Great gains and very satisfied
Customer Service
Respectful, patient and helpful
Delivery and Packaging
Always wrapped safe and sound
Additional commentary
Highly recommend Domestic Supply to anyone!!!

Products, effectiveness and results

Very good great gains very happy with Pharma brand

Customer service

Very helpful, patient and nice

Shipping and Delivery

Very easy to do with Bitcoin and convenient always wrapped safe at door 2-3 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommend Domestic Supply to anyone

I recommend shopping here!
Onemorerep1990's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Domestic supply is A+ I never ben so satisfied with how fast shipping and the customer service is geting back to you...all my old sites would take a month to get order and service delivery was always slow. With Domestic supply I got my order in 2 days and the customer service gets back to you with the hour I highly recommend anyone to this site its my go to for everything.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren ace test e anastrozole

Customer service

Best customer service very fast shiping

Shipping and Delivery

Package safe in the mail waiting for me.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
gainsareinstyle's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Excellent response time to any question and very fast shipping. I happen to be on TRT and have a very liberal doctor that has prescribed Deca for joint pain. Yes. The reason, I’m here is because as anyone that has been on TRT knows that the program has limitations and quickly max out your potential there. Secondly, my prescription to Deca is not covered by my insurance company and medically prescribed Deca is EXPENSIVE! Additionally, the prescribed dosages are laughably conservative.

I researched for legit distributors and I am very happy to have across Domestic-Supply.

I was wildly nervous but placed my order, communicated with the team and would always get answers back the same day. I paid via RIA on my first order which arrived in two days after payment. It was insane.

Products, effectiveness and results


I order Beligas Deca 300 and Beligas Cyp 250. Having been on prescription T and Deca I know what to look for in my body.

I’m a 40 yr old Dad and like many of you have been blessed with Old-Man Strength, but also like many of you I suffer from shoulder and knee pain. Within 24 hrs my body felt incredible lubricated and a lot of pain went subsided and went away thanks to the Deca. I knew I was dealing with legit products.
I’m already back to benching 3 plates easy and expect to be moving to 405 very shortly.

Customer service

The communication is smooth and all my questions are answered generally the same day. I’m already on my second order and I couldn’t be happier. I’m keeping my TRT program because it is basically insurance covered blood work. But all my gains and and secret sauce are going to be from Domestic-Supply from now on.

Shipping and Delivery

Packing is discrete well protected and ships incredibly fast. No complains here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’m already a repeat customer and I think that speaks volumes. Their products are legit and because of the dosage and pricing blows away my experience with prescribed TRT and Deca. From my conversations with this team I can tell their are not just in sales but in the game and health and safety of their customers is a priority for them too. I will continue to do business with them. I’ll be following up with results pics as my cycle continues.

I recommend shopping here!