Gh0st's picture
  • 1.3k

+ 24 Current condition and update


13 months post op for major knee surgery.
(Patellar tendon complete rupture and repair).
My legs used to be my strongest body part which is humbling. I’m still not back to 100% function but took a break this month and after a lot of discussion decided to move away from hypertrophy focused training to more speed/agility/plyometrics and aggressive rehab to improve neuromuscular connection as well as try to decrease the scar tissue around the kneecap which has changed the way it moves across the joint.

My goal is to get full function back and then (maybe) if all is going well I may start working towards getting the legs back up to par with the rest of the body and stepping back on stage after a long improvement season. Not set on that but not saying I’ll never step on stage again.

For reference my right quad is now only about 1cm smaller than the left (when I first came out of the brace it was 12cm atrophied). Both legs have decreased in size to approx 3cm smaller from my peak offseason composition last year before my injury. I have managed to bring my arms up, and my back is no longer a weak point.

Haven’t put my trunks on in over a month and decided it was time to create a little more accountability. Thanks to all my eroids brothers for the support over the years.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Great width, clean skin.... Great job dude

SeeOhShow's picture

I second the decision to move to speed/agility/plyo work. After my knee surgery (torn ACL), I could do leg hypertrophy stuff no problem. However it took a solid 18 months to “trust” the knee. That mental block made it so I couldn’t even fully contract the quad doing things like leg extensions. You could tell because the VMO still just wouldn’t catch up to the non-injured side, or seem to grow period. But doing ploys, cutting drills, and getting back to playing basketball was when that mental block really started to go away. Kept testing the knee harder and harder and it passed every time. Now it doesn’t even cross my mind when doing any kind of exercise and it’s completely caught up to the other leg.

My PT was a total scam/joke. 3# ankle weight leg raises for like sets of 20. wtf is that gonna do?? Not a damn thing. Good luck on the journey.

UncleYoked's picture

Ain't ever seen a ghost that solid

simonmagus84's picture

Good hammies ghost… nice work

Caner's picture

Hey, buddy. You've got great symmetry. It's a perfect back.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Looking solid and symmetrical! Good job working your way through what life has thrown at you and coming out the other side stronger.

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Azaghal's picture

Looks great even after overcoming obstacles.
I'm glad for you Smile

Tony Bag O doughnussss's picture

Still one of the best looking physiques I’ve seen on this app brother! I’ve tried adding you on here I’m not sure why your not getting the request.

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Big Tone36's picture

Still got it. Look good bro +1

Roider007's picture

Solid man +

Mac12769's picture

Can't even tell.... +1 solid rehab going Good

laxman3221's picture

Looking good!

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23Sparta's picture

You look solid and complete right now. Respect your drive and bounce back from injury.

anvil's picture

Whatever you are doing seems to be working well for you. Impressive.

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press1's picture

Still looking Great Buddy - can't even tell it happened. I think its just you that is aware of it Smile

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