Jimmy1048's picture
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+ 4 Exciting Touch Down!


Very excited to be part of this awesome promo! My first one since being a member here! I already proved their test cyp 250 is potent with my bloodwork done a few weeks back. My TRT dose was giving me huge numbers and I had to back it off to a lower dose.

Here we have my all time favourite test blend SuperTest 450mg x 2.
A vial of 70/30 TNE/Oxy I literally can’t wait to try this as a pre workout!
I’ll be doing a thorough review on everything after I have tested the goods.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they chucked in a box of winny 25mg as a present! That will be handy at the end of my blast!
That TNE/Oxy though!! Yeww I’ve made a little bed for it too sleep next to me ahaha

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23Sparta's picture

Nice, let us know how that 70/30 hits

Rosschestzip's picture

Probably my favorite injectable out there

23Sparta's picture

Never tried oxy inject. I just tried TNE for the first two times the last two days and fucking up my cruise. I liked it, but that guaiacol stuff, ewww we, had my mouth tasting like bandaids

Wildling's picture

That taste makes me happy. Hit 50-100mg through a slin pin in your trap. Thank me later.

Jimmy1048's picture

Do you do subcutaneous? Or just IM? I’d imagine it might irritate the skin a bit with our subcontinent injection? 50-100mg ? I was just going to try 1ml /100mg to start off, 15 minutes pre workout..

Wildling's picture

You can reach the muscle through areas like the trap… even the bicep. It all depends on you pain tolerance. Trap was nothing… bicep was a different animal for some wierd reason.

Also depends on how fat you are too. I think some guys can hit the pec with a slin pin. I’m eating too much candy right now lol.

Jimmy1048's picture

Yeah fair enough, I don’t think I’d ever pin my bicep, not for pain but just doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t want to risk any complications. My traps maybe. But when I’m blasting I use the M W F rotation. I only hit delts, quads and glutes. Usually loading 3ml into the glutes and quads (which is pushing it already). Probably just use the tne/oxy 2-3 times a week maybe less so I’ll probably go into the delts for leg day and quads or calves…? For chest.

Wildling's picture

For sure. I was speaking for the tne only in the trap or bicep since it absorbs fast. You would only be pinning 1ml max, and that would be by itself PWO. I don’t know what all you are taking with it.

Jimmy1048's picture

Yep agreed. Can’t wait to give it a crack! Thanks for your feedback brother.

23Sparta's picture

Lmao bro, you’re a savage for real

Wildling's picture

I was shocked how hard that stuff hits the first time I pinned it. The battery taste everyone talked about, I thought no way… well that’s how you know it’s there! Lol

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, I have to admit, I ran through my split using TNE and it definitely had an impact. Idk about the guaiacol though bro, may try and see if I can find one without it

Wildling's picture

I get it! I honestly don’t know any different.

press1's picture

Oxy/TNE is the business mate - it's actually how I got my pec tear years ago Lol

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23Sparta's picture

lol, “is so good that I tore my pec”

Jeez Press, that’s one hell of a review lmao

press1's picture

HAHAHA Yeh it definitely allows you to have more of an overreach in terms of muscular contraction than you would without it in you - plus it was my own stupid fault for going for a max when I still wasn't fully recovered. When I was younger I always got away with doing it and never caught an injury, but as time waits for no man eventually your age says 'No more of that shit sunshine - here have a pec tear!!!' LOL

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23Sparta's picture

Lmao, more of that shit sunshine…. You aren’t kidding. I just hurt my quad squatting, recovered, went back for legs and did the same shit in the other side. Wisdom serves me well though, as soon as I feel anything bad going on, I just stop. I don’t power through it like when I was young

Rosschestzip's picture

Yep same here. Zero injuries. I’ll push through anything but the second I feel that it’s not a “good pain” I stop. And will even stop that exercise completely and move on to something else, especially with shoulders

23Sparta's picture

Live on to fight another day is right brother

AK80's picture

Gotta keep some BPC-157 on hand nowadays!

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, I’ve tried it but I guess didn’t get the full experience. I don’t even remember what I was trying to heal. What I do remember is BPC having a noticeable, positive, impact on my gut health. May have to give it another go some day

press1's picture

The Lab on this page now does a BPC 157 5mg & TB500 5mg Blend in the same vial!!! Should be good.

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23Sparta's picture

The Wolverine stack! I’ve seen it in the same vile before but isn’t 1:1 not the proper ratio for running those two?

press1's picture

I think so, not entirely sure as I've not tried TB500 with it being pretty expensive normally. Seems to come with the same sickness side effect as MT2 also.

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah, those two peptides are expensive to run, I’ve ran them together before (for healing) and wasn’t impressed enough to want to rush out and spend the money to do it again. I had great success curing my last bout of tendinitis just by using anavar and Ostarine. That was last summer and I’m still pain free

Jimmy1048's picture

Ouch! that’s something I DONT need, I’m gonna drop the ego and train hard and achieve maximum hypertrophy with form and pre-exhausting techniques, drop sets and super sets ect ect.. no more injuries for my old ass! Hopefully..

23Sparta's picture

That how I train bro, muscle mind connection and technique. Focusing on that, and using methods that you have mentioned, have put more size on me than just trying to lift heavy

Rosschestzip's picture

I’ve always done that kind of training and gone on the lighter side and I think I really need to be going heavier. But I think where people go wrong is going too heavy that you can’t keep that connection, like how you can’t squeeze if the weights too much and all you can do is push and lower it without really stretching and contracting.

But for me I think I need to start going much heavier, I’ve plateaued and not really gained any strength ina while. So I need like in the middle, go heavier while still maintaining that connection and control. Also a really deep stretch is very beneficial, there’s actually a new study showing that the stretch might even be more important than the squeeze

Jimmy1048's picture

I have always mixed it up, I love to train heavy and I think being as a young man I was always naturally strong and could easily throw 50kg above my head for a shoulder press or bench 6 plated on barbel incline and sometimes you want to test the waters and see what happens lol. I only started using gear in the last 10 years but slowly my training has improved but as we get older our bones ligaments and basically everything just starts to say that’s it I’ve had enough!! It’s so hard as I actually loved the endorphin rush of a heavy lift but with my trade and business being so physical sometimes I get to the gym dehydrated and exhausted can feel that I’m not running on all pistons, yet once I get fired up I start doing my workout and it’s always the last set I just go, hmmm let’s just see if I can push 80kg dumbbells for 5-6 on incline.. and because my body was exhausted it’s really a bad idea. I need to stop all that and only lift smart and leave my old ego behind. Im going to totally start from the ground up again and add all new techniques and bloody stretches and warm ups!!! And core!! Things we take for granted.
And yeah there’s some monster teens walking around World Gym here in Sydney, I don’t know what’s in their water but it’s working. They seem to be focused on deadlift and squats, but I was a skinny ass as a teen so I don’t know how they can get that big. And yeah.. still kick their asses any day hahah

23Sparta's picture

Yeah bro exactly, there’s a difference in just moving the weight up and down, and lifting with good technique. I’m not say I’m pressing 20lb dumbbells or anything, I just lift as heavy as a can with good technique. I still end up racking out a lot of machines at these places I go. Even so, a lot of times I’ll find myself next to a dude that much less built than me, and he’s moving more weight. You can see the look on their face, it makes them feel good.

Actually happened to my bro yesterday, the one who’s bloods I posted, he’s leaning to lift the same way as me. He was at a planet fitness and dude next to him on the lat pull down machine actually said to my bro about how he was moving more weight than him. My bro took dude over to the mirror and popped his shirt off and that was it lol

Rosschestzip's picture

I don’t know if I’m being lazy or what but sometimes I’ll find that I think I’m lifting what I should and then I’ll go heavier just for the hell of it and I can go way heavy than I thought. So I gotta start like actually maxing out to see what my actual max is. D start actually training with some weight and gain some strength, there’s high schoolers stronger than me lol

23Sparta's picture

Yeah you want to lift the most you can, with proper connection and form, in the rep range that you are working in.

Dude, there’s high schoolers stronger than me too, don’t trip lol

press1's picture

Bud there are some Fuckin strong kids about nowadays if you look on Youtube, many of them look like they have done nothing more than a course of sarms too Lol I think there is a specific nerdy look they try to achieve too with the broccoli haircuts - so you expect them not to be strong as they don't look like young military guys. So of course when you do see them lifting pretty good weight it looks even more crazy. Have to remember also that there are about 20 X more people lifting these days than there was 10 years ago, so you are attacking more of the gene pool and more guys with naturally great strength levels are coming to the surface. Plus I HATE to say it Bro - But we are also getting older at the same time Sad Cray 2

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Jimmy1048's picture

Hahahah so true!! It’s that Sam Sulek bloke who they are all creaming their pants about! lol.

press1's picture

Mate he's exactly the kind of guy I am talking about - Although given the size on him you can tell he can lift some shit. I just do not get how that guy is so strong, isn't even a bloody powerlifter but he plays around with 405 on incline like its 225. Gotta think though, these guys have always been around but its social media that has made you more aware of them. The Steroid abusin 18 to 22 year olds have been around for decades, thats where all your Jay Cutlers, Ian Vallieres etc came from but back then no one filmed themselves and put it straight on the internet in those days.

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Jimmy1048's picture

Haha yeah agreed. He’s only what 21!? That means to be his size he would have started juicing pretty bloody young. You don’t get that big in one year. But I guess at that age you’re full of test anyway so they probably react quite quickly. I’m assuming. I was naturally strong in my 20s but never touched juice. I trained for years and was always looking fit but never like “WOW” if you know what I mean. Plus I liked my food to much to diet strictly so my BF was never ridiculously low or anything. Otherwise I may have looked a bit more defined.. I didn’t really care I was just having fun and going to bloody raves every weekend hahahah

press1's picture

I think he has been training since about 17, then I would imagine gear for a bit over 2 years. I would imagine the gear part includes the naughty stuff too lol There is no doubt you respond much better to anabolics too at that age, and the rate at which your body recovers is optimal too. I find these days my CNS and back takes bloody ages, there is no way I could run a powerlifting programme that a lot of these younger guys do - 2 days per week bench, 2 squat and 1 deadlift week in week out, I would feel absolutely trashed and blown out. In my late 30's it was tiring but now no way, I just try and achieve what I can whilst still enjoying it all.

Anyway buddy, you have achieved some tremendous lifts in your life haven't you - you have a great natural build too so you will always look big and good in whatever way you choose to go Good

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Jimmy1048's picture

Thanks brother! I just did some post surgery pre cycle pics. Will start my blast and tune in with an update in a couple of months. ;)

23Sparta's picture

Lmao Press, what are you saying? That we are no longer spring chickens!? As long as there’s shit that I can do that they can’t, I’m ok with them being stronger. #1 being whoop their ass!

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya and I know I’ll out work them, I guarantee with equivalent weight they’d quit first, like 50% one rep max, who can get more? They’d get like 20 reps and I’d go until I die lol

23Sparta's picture

Lmao, until I die. I know that’s right!

Jimmy1048's picture

I’ll be doing a full review, don’t worry! Can’t wait to try this stuff. Been eyeing it off for ages. I’m recovering from quite a severe injury so just waiting for the right time. Smile

23Sparta's picture

Yes yes I remember, I saw the pics. Blessings to you bro, I love positive vibes and energy you’re putting out there. I already know you’re gonna bounce back to true form, I can’t wait to see!

I’ve been eyeing 70/30 for a minute too lol

Jimmy1048's picture

Appreciate the support brother! Just taking some before photos today! Can’t wait for three months of a solid gainz! Yeeehaaaa

Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!

Jimmy1048's picture

Cheers guys!!

press1's picture

Nice one Matey - Xmas came in April eh!!! LMAO

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Jimmy1048's picture

I’m gonna hohoho it down! Hahaha

Rosschestzip's picture

That TNE/Oxy has been probably my favorite thing to use. I swelled up pretty quickly on it but. Couldn’t use it more than 10-14 days tho

Wildling's picture

Did you take it every day or just pwo? How was the pip, if there was any!