Jameshobbis's picture
  • 142

+ 11 Front and back morning after some cookies, brownies and ice cream haha


4 more weeks of dieting to go slowly getting happier with the condition currently running
600 test e
400 tren e
80mcg clen
25mg anavar (added in today)
2500kcals consisting of 290p 220c 50f
40 mins Steady State cardio with 12,000 steps on top. Still run flat then add a cheat meal where I indulge on whatever I want once a week to give my mind a and body a break.
This pic was taken the morning after a bit of a binge on cookies, brownies and ice cream haha

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anvil's picture

I hate you! Stop making me feel fat. 5 days until cut phase, wait for me!

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Jameshobbis's picture

Ill be keeping my eyes peeled for the updates bro! I hope the cut goes well!!

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anvil's picture

Def brother. You are definitely motivating me. I guess back down to 10-11 percent I go.

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Jameshobbis's picture

Go get it!! You've got this!!!!

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Bro shredded!

Jameshobbis's picture

Almost there bro few more lbs to lose and I'll be happy but even then I won't be happy haha you know how it goes with this game! Never satisfied

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Drexyl's picture

Outstanding! This right here is what hard work and discipline looks like, nice job! I need details on the cookies, ice cream, and brownies though…

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Jameshobbis's picture

Thankyou brother just trying to get that little bit better each and every day the job isn't done yet!

Haha are you UK based or US I have some recommendations if UK based

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press1's picture

Nah he isn't one of us buddy - he's one of these guys that thinks a Chip is a crisp LOL

He also thinks Michael Night is a real person Lmfao

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Black90tsi's picture

Looking impressive brother.

I hope those were all together! Warm brownies and cookies with ice cream and either warm caramel or hot fudge on top sounds amazing. Outback has these fresh baked salted caramel cookies with pretzels and white chocolate chunks they serve with vanilla ice cream and warm caramel sauce on top. It's better than some sex i've had in my life.

Jameshobbis's picture

Thankyou brother!!

Thats the trick man! you need to mix the warm with the cold! I normally have 1 cookie and one brownie at room temp then have 2 warm brownies and a warm cookie with the ice cream! Got to mix up them tastes and textures Elite combo!!

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JakeKO's picture

Great work! Gotta love Brownies, LOL!

Jameshobbis's picture

Thanks brother starting to see the finish line in skte now! I never crave sweet im always a salty and savoury guy but when calories get low I turn a bit nuts and go all out on the fudgey brownies and big soft baked cookies and once one goes in I cant stop hahaha

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RobertB80's picture

Looking shredded. How’s the tren e treating you and have you ran it before? +1

Jameshobbis's picture

Yeahh I prefer e as I cant be dealing with the frequent pinning of short esters so generally only ever run long eaters.
Night sweats disappeared after a few weeks when the carbs were lowered. I get a bit irritable but I put that down to low food, hunger and alot of cardio haha. I never really get any bad sides off of tren e tbf bro but people always react differently. I actually feel alot worse when I push deca or eq

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cannycaan's picture

awesome stuff mate- Back is shredded and waist to upper back and shoulder ratio is wicked +1

Jameshobbis's picture

Appreciate the kind words brother

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Wildling's picture

I have some old tren e sitting in the safe. This has me questioning if I’ll end up popping them open lol. Looking good bro!

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Jameshobbis's picture

Haha the devil is calling brother!
I actually feel fine when on tren night sweats totally ease off when my carbs drop below 280 I feel a bit irritable but I put that down to Low food and feeling hungry.
Good luck if you decide to go ahead!

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Wildling's picture

I respond well to tren ace. I have been told tren e hits different in a good way but we shall see.

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wanted's picture

Looking good. Whats the weight at ??
Id say more forearm work— and abs
I didnt see any hgh in your cycle. Is there a reason
Any dandelion root or high dose vitamin c
Just ideas. Please dont get me wrong you look great just offering some outside ideas

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Jameshobbis's picture

Hey mate this is weighing 91.5kg the day after a big binge so abs aren't really popping like they have been due to holding water. I'm currently hitting abs every other day 4 sets of 20 leg Raises 4 sets of weighted ab crunches on a rope. No gh at the moment saving up for real pharma stuff but I have multiple vacations booked with my wife and kids so that's my priority on money at the moment. Travelling and life experiences and all that over blowing it on gh haha.
This is only a holiday cut so I'm not manipulating water or anything as this is just a tightening up phase until I decide what shows to do this year!

No offence taken my man always open to ideas and criticism!

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Rosschestzip's picture

When you look like this, I think those vacations are well deserved!! Especially focusing on family time too. I’m very lucky currently that my schedule allows all my fitness/steriod/bodybuilding stuff to not really interfere with family stuff too much, but if I had a different schedule, my family time would really take a big hit or I wouldn’t be able to focus on this as much, so good shit man, priorities are in order!! +1 for the family man

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Jameshobbis's picture

100% brother this game can make you become very selfish and over the last couple of years I have managed to prioritise family alongside the bodybuilding journey. I have 2 kids at the ages of 8 and 9 and feel like these are the really important years to spend and enjoy alongside them! So we try and take as many trips as possible as it also teaches them valuable life lessons!

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