Skinnyboy63's picture
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New cycle


Thinking of this cycle
Adrol 25mg Ed pulsing 2 wks on 2 wks off 12wks
Test e - 300mg wk 1-14
Npp - 300mg wk 1-12
Dhb - 300mg wk 1-12
Aromasen 12.5 e3d
Then back to trt

Looking for a lean bulk

I have a good diet since I have a micro tracker on my phone now. I train hard five days a week.
Let me know if this looks good or I need to change it

Black90tsi's picture

I know you would normally stop deca a couple weeks early as it stays in the system for weeks after stopping. But that's not really the case with npp. Wouldnt it be better to run it out until you stop taking test? I'm not familiar with dhb but it looks like others are saying to run that out too.

For private blood work I use they typically have pretty reasonable rates and always have a 15-20% off coupon you can dig up. They do use quest diagnostics exclusively for the blood draw so if you don't have one near you then you'll have to find a different lab. I actually have a few links about what and where to test in my PMs. If you're interested you can FR me and I can pass them along to you.

Skinnyboy63's picture

Ok fr sent thank you

Skinnyboy63's picture

An I have caber on hand

23Sparta's picture

I had great success pulsing adrol. I was able to avoid all the negative side associated with the compound while still enjoying all the benefits. On the last day of my second pulse my liver enzymes were still within range (with ancillary supplementation). I had no loss of appetite, my blood pressure was good (with BP meds and Cialis), I had no headaches, and was able to carry over the mass gain from the first pulse into the next.

I like that stack, Test, DHB, and NPP. I plan to run it for my next growth phase but at different dosages than what you are planning. I don’t see anything wrong with what you present as long as your experience and fitness level warrant it. The best ratio for these compounds is going to come down to personal preference and response

Skinnyboy63's picture

What are your dosages going to look like

23Sparta's picture

High test, medium DHB, low NPP (175mg). I only have the NPP in the stack to help support my joints in lifting heavy. Testosterone will always be the main driver of anabolism in my stacks. That is just my personal preference. If I were to shuffle around the 900mg that you are proposing, I would say that 325 test, 400 DHB, and 175 NPP is better. Eliminate the need for caber

Skinnyboy63's picture

That's pretty much what I was going to do with the NPP is low dose on 150mg to 200mg I was even thinking about EQ instead of NPP but if I go with EQ might even run NPP with just for joint support

23Sparta's picture

EQ does not fit into this equation imo

Skinnyboy63's picture

Ok I read some stuff on Makwa he said EQ would work well with it

23Sparta's picture

I also was very happy with just two pulses of adrol during my last growth phase. You are proposing three at 12 weeks. I personally don’t feel that’s necessary. Even with ancillary supplements, it’s still hard on the body

Skinnyboy63's picture

Ok thank you for the advice

23Sparta's picture

I just noticed 12 weeks DHB and NPP. Why not run them for 14 as well? DHB specifically, those weeks are where it starts to shine

Skinnyboy63's picture

I can do 14 I can even go 16 if that's better
I'm looking for advice even if I have to go up or down with anything

anvil's picture

Advice is only set a beginning dosage, and based on negative sides, blood work, gains, strength make small adjustments with diet and then compounds. Mixing three compounds at once unless you already have run them and got bloods it might be difficult to figure out what is working and what is causing negative sides. Imo abombs and npp together it's going to be difficult to know what is a lean gain and what is water. Fr me if need more info.

In a promo × 1
23Sparta's picture

Idk if you came across Makwa’s post on here regarding DHB. If not, it’s a good read.

Do you have previous experience with the other compounds in your stack?

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes I've read his stuff a bunch I've got a lot of good information about reading all of his stuff

Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes I've ran NPP but didn't have caber so I quit after 6 wks cuz my left nipple started hurting when I touched it but I heard that that could happen an not be gyno it barely hurt

23Sparta's picture

Nandrolone increase the rate in which testosterone aromatizes. So your spicy nip situation could have been estrogenic in nature and/or a prolactin issue. That is why doing bloodwork is so important, before, during and post cycle. That habit is one of many things that contribute to longevity and results in this game

Skinnyboy63's picture

I was taking aromasin every 3 days I think it was to do with prolactin I can run test at 600 and really don't need an AI

Skinnyboy63's picture

12.5 aromasin every 3 days

Skinnyboy63's picture

I get blood work threw trt doc so I usually postpone blood work while I'm on a blast I do do it before and after cycle

23Sparta's picture

Same thing for me and I understand. I do pre and post bloods with my PCP when my health markers are relatively in order. While on cycle, bloods are supremely important to be able to gage your body’s response to these compounds, to be able to associate this response with how you feel, and dial in ancillary support in order to mitigate harm.

That is why you must go to a private lab and pay for this bloodwork out of pocket.

Skinnyboy63's picture

I'll probably do that this time what like 2 months in

23Sparta's picture

Definitely a smart move