Kits4lessdomestic's picture
Kits4lessdomestic 120

Estimated T/A: 
2-5 Business Days USA Domestic Only

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Payment Methods: 
Cryptocurrency (Minimum $100+) (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc) | Cash In Mail ($500+ 5% Fee)

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Lab Testing:
Contact: [email protected] (this is a protonmail email)
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Credit for Testing:
Store Credit For Somatropin (HGH) Amount, Purity and Dimer - $460 USD
Store Credit For Somatropin (HGH) Amount and Purity - $340 USD
Store Credit For IGF-1 Testing - $150 USD TERMS APPLY

IGF-1 Bloodwork Results: (Bottom of page)

Active Coupons

5% off any order! (excludes items on sale)

Code: “eroids”



Kits4Less is a USA based company on a mission to change the game of generic HGH. We aim to bridge the gap between affordability and quality with our strict lab-testing & quality control standards. Every batch of HGH is quality tested before it’s listed for sale, & we simultaneously maintain competitive pricing on our products.

scoobydoo's picture

Me too. Happy to not have a bunch of junk in my fridge. Lol

press1's picture

Blimey thats a Great result!!

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scoobydoo's picture

This result was after 24 days at 5iu’s.

DeeMan's picture

Pretty good for 5iu. Thanks for the update Scooby

scoobydoo's picture

Higher than I thought it would be at 57 years old.

DeeMan's picture

I see what you're saying but hey now you know even though you're 57 you're still a good responder. I wonder what was your baseline

scoobydoo's picture

How long does it stay in your system? I stopped last Wednesday because of work and couldn't bring it with me. It will be another two weeks or more before I can start again.

DeeMan's picture

Half life of IGF when binded is 12-24 hours. Free IGF is in and out. So how many days after stopping did you test?

scoobydoo's picture

I was still running it when I took the test. 5iu's before bed. I was thinking about getting a baseline and wanted to make sure it was totally out of my system.

DeeMan's picture

Ok that's a good idea. Shouldn't be long for clearance time.

SeeOhShow's picture

Heellllll ya buddy!

scoobydoo's picture

I was thinking I would be happy with 300-400. I’m guessing my liver is good. Lol

DeeMan's picture

I hear ya. Crazy part is a 30 year old could use this same product with same 5iu dose and score a 300.

scoobydoo's picture

Yeah a guy in his 30's got 172 from 4iu's. He had a recent bout with pancreatitis.

DeeMan's picture

I wonder was his liver ok but he could just be one of those guys.

scoobydoo's picture

He stated his liver values skyrocketed due to a recent bout with pancreatitis

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

I’m pretty sure Chase Iron’s IGF doesn’t budge past 350 on over 15 units of pharma GH.

Goes to show how much everyone’s physiology can vary.

That’s part of why I doubled the IGF-1 store credit, wanted to have as much data as possible, for the benefit of the community and of course my own morbid curiosity.

DeeMan's picture

O yea that Chase guy is a hot mess on wheels! At that point is 15iu even worth it lol? Absolutely everyone is different and if some didn't know that we've come to realize that lately. Keep doing your thing my man. Looking good. @Kits4lessdomestic

Littleginger's picture

Bloods scheduled to be pulled Friday morning. Been using the deluxe 4iu. I’ll keep everyone posted with results and details.

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Chad P's picture

Picked up 3 deluxe E and a Semaglutide. Took advantage of the pre test discount. 3 days from order to mailbox.

CycleUp's picture

These new boxes are awesome! I ordered some as well cant wait to see! Smile

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Those new boxes are sexy! Thanks for being a repeat customer :-)

TrenAThor's picture

They really are! The oils look just as sexy! Can't wait to see them up on the site.

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AK80's picture

Yeah I was wondering a few months ago what was up with all the payment types & shipping hoopla, etc. for just some peptides and new science stuff that not everyone has already heard about before or that may or may not even work on our lab rats. I guess maybe they had the foresight to lay that groundwork foundation down first in order to eventually slowly and more easily enter our market with "the good stuff" one day? Looking forward to it!

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Haha we are playing things slow and steady! We know you only get one reputation in this game so we took a methodical approach to make sure we can serve the community to a high standard!

TrenAThor's picture

I like that approach. More companies should take a note from you on that. Good gear, good prices and good service is really gonna go far. Looking forward to seeing whatever else you have in store for the future!

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Rosschestzip's picture

Also I’m sure they made a good little chunk of cash this past year and decided to re-invest, should pay off, BUT there’s probably a whole lot less work when you only have two products vs 40. So now they’ll have a whole new set of challenges ahead of them

AK80's picture

Yeah, gotta rotate the return addresses now. A couple months ago I ended up getting a "real" one. It's always fun to look up places. One time (not this source) it was an empty parking lot in Florida with crackheads tent city lol.

Rosschestzip's picture

That’s funny I never thought of doing that, I’m sure it would be interesting.

So years ago I used to get some bad stuff sent to me, I only knew the guy sending it by his “street” name, and the return name on packs was a strange name, just recently I saw he was arrested online, and that was his legal name in the return address, I couldn’t believe it lol

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