AK80's picture
  • 99

+ 2 Pure Anabolics


This is my 5th order in the last 2 years since they were called No Excuses. Perfect every time in every way possible. They even tossed in an extra bottle of Test Enanthate. Thanks 87!

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eighty7's picture

You're welcome

Brolly6898's picture

Hey bro how's that tren ace and var 50mgs

Brolly6898's picture

Congrats on half of the golden banana I'm trying to get my in a promo tag off that I wasn't even inn and combine purchase with promo so I can oder a few bottles maybe 2 I've never tried this source

AK80's picture

The last batch I did 25mg var @ 9am and then another 25mg @ 4pm every day for 2 months straight. I go to the gym M-W-F @ 6pm and the pumps and vascularity are insane. 10mg of his cialis makes those days even better. Definitely can feel it in the lower back. The tren is 50mg every M-W-F and this way I don't have any mental or physical side effects, but still reap the rewards. I warmed up on bench with 135 for 100 reps, then hit 225 for 30 reps and then 315 for 10 reps a few weeks ago.

Brolly6898's picture

Damn bro I'm jealous I wish I could bench press again but after retearing my pec at 155 lbs I'm probably stuck at 95lbs incline to the neck for life

AK80's picture

I get bad rotator cuffs and elbows from time to time. I'm on my 4th day of BPC-157 & TB500 to hopefully reverse that in a couple weeks.

Brolly6898's picture

Tell me how it works out for u brother the BPc

press1's picture

Sore rotator cuffs and tendons in my shoulders are the fucking bind of my life these days pal, I have been trying everything known to man to try and get round the pain, soreness, tenderness that inevitably comes from going heavy and pushing things on flat bench. When I do deadlifts they also heavily stress my shoulders because of the bar trying to pull the shoulder out of the socket and the RC battling to keep it in. At one point I seemed to have it sorted when a certain Lab were making Kick Ass Dbol (100mg/ml) injectable that I ran with NPP, inevitably that Lab has now gone and changed the RAW it would seem and the DBol acts more like winny now. Heavy Tren helps but I refuse to pay the price these days in my health. I wonder if guys like John Haack ever even get problems like this at all - 2 Squat sessions per week (over stretching the shoulder capsule) Deadlift and 3 bench sessions and the fucker can still lift heavy all day long no issues!!!

Do some people just not get shoulder issues/pain or what? Is it because some guys shoulders are built and angled slightly differently where it doesn't stress the joint as much? I am lost on it all Bro.

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Brolly6898's picture

I've never had shoulder problems just left pec t3ars x3 lol

press1's picture

Strange isn't it how we are all predisposed to different kinds of injuries it seems - look at all the guys who have blown their backs out with and without weights being involved. Obviously some kind of spinal imbalance, I think there must be in my shoulders also. Then again though on gear we are lifting weights that were never meant to be lifted on such a delicate mechanism like a shoulder capsule.

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Brolly6898's picture

Working in the medical field we are blessed not having multiple sclerosis, Parkinson any disease that leaves you bed bound
Even though I feel handicapped not being able to bench more than a plate

press1's picture

Yeh but buddy - You still look in awesome shape so don't worry about it.

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Brolly6898's picture

Hey press I appreciate those words I was just trying to get on your level with that beefy chest of yours lol no homo

press1's picture

Have you ever measured your grip distance between your 2 forefingers mate on the bar? If you measure the distance between the two bony points on top of your shoulders where your traps drop into - the distance between your forefingers should be 1.7 times the distance in between your shoulder clavicles. You may have been spacing your hands too far apart in the past causing the pec tears?

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Sent u a friend request

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