UncleYoked's picture
UncleYoked 2128


Estimated T/A: 
Shows up faster than the clap

Payment Methods: 
PayPal, Zelle, Cryptos, Vanilla, Western Union, MoneyGram, Walmart, Amazon, Cash App via BTC, Bank Transfer, Ali Pay, Handjobs

Please note

We're a simple, farm to table operation. No flashy graphics or seizure inducing graphics, no advertisements, just organic anabolic goodness.
Our website is set up so there is no need for communication between any party, streamlined, simple and fast.
We are not careless reps working from a Chinese warehouse and we do not send your items from China or Russia, we are a US domestic source.
We're people, just like you and we put the people first. Unless they're assholes, in which case they can fuck off.

triptychs's picture

Didn't post yet in the main review area, because I haven't sampled the new gear yet, but Unc came through yet again. After my first order, I lined up some travel and other plans for the summer and wanted to make sure I was stocked up. Got some additional Test E, extra orals, two vials of Primo and some Aro just in case. I put in two orders back to back over the weekend and both arrived today. Fully stocked through this blast, cruise, and pretty much ready for the winter bulk with the Primo.

Will leave another review on the main when I test the Primo. Thanks for pulling through so quick after the DDOS, you're the goat.

EgyptMan's picture

Hello, placed an order first time user, close friends praise the quality. States processing payment, but want to make sure there’s any other information or steps needed to complete the order. Info sent from my email [email protected]. Thank you!

UncleYoked's picture

dm me bro, never put public info in group

UncleYoked's picture

@JWnails, please remove the order # from the open group message.
Your email was received and the order has been updated

JWnails's picture

I placed an order and sent payment but it doesn’t seem like our emails are going through to each other anymore. So I signed up here in hopes of being able to reach you.

UncleYoked's picture

If you tried to use the email coupon and it didn't work, that's because I fucked it up and put it backwards for 1 use per coupon and 10000 uses for customer, it should be good now.
Alt if that gives you an issue add a 2 to the end for the backup code

mateo221's picture

When will Wampum be back up?

UncleYoked's picture

later today

triptychs's picture

Tried Wampum checkout today, got some kind of error. Any idea about when a fix will come for that? <3

UncleYoked's picture

Should be today, had to juggle some things around.

triptychs's picture

Thanks unc

UncleYoked's picture

good to go

Verderzi's picture

I bought the caborgoline. Had an upcoming HGH stim test from my dr was trying to get prescribed HGH (purposefully lower my HGH levels to qualify for replacement HGH) read that cabor had a negative effect on HGH secretion so I took 3.75mg spread across 4 days prior to the test hoping it would lower them below the 4.99ng/ml threshold but came back at 13.00 ng/ml.

Not only that I stopped my trt prior to the test for about 4-5 weeks and my test was 64/ng/dl to give me the best chances of getting hgh.

Not sure about my prolactin levels so I can’t say if the cabor did anything to lower them/they were high before taking cabor. I wasn’t taking the cabor to lower prolactin though.

Pretty bummed that the cabor didn’t have the effect on my HGH I had anticipated.

Jockstrap's picture

Caber has many uses clinically but never studied any medical data suggesting lowering hgh. Nolva will lower igf1 but to what degree plus the sides have hazards. And then the trt can sideline.

Lowering prolactin too much will kill your erection. It doesnt seem needed but theres a range for a reason. If it was me and well, ive done it....id privatemdlab my igf1 and see if im naturally in range. If so then the offset for good generic hgh, id opt for better foods and diet. If your igf1 was good id opt to not run adex and have bloods to switch to aromasin which raises igf1 (adex lowers). Keep in higher normal range for positive mass growth and nitrogen balance. Hint secret----use the hgh during pct. Theres med proof of why and wont kill the bank. Thats of course if e2 is managed, good pct to match harshness of cycle. Hgh is the yang of the testicular axis. Pct pushes the yin but getting homeostasis on point preserves growth. Modify workout for pump and leave---as pct is on negative anabolism. And make sure the calories keep you in check. Youll drop water of course but muscle preservation is the key. Folks error by trying to push gym like on cycle but body is on hormonal decline. Lost gains.

Sorry...i could write full pages but got carried away

UncleYoked's picture

I've never tested this, do you know anyone who was successful in dropping their levels substantially from using caber?
Also, I wouldn't use caber too carelessly, it's pretty powerful stuff and has a lot of other effects on the body that aren't very positive.
Did you at least experience the other effects on caber?

jerseydevil33's picture

Just read the email you sent out, obviously site is down. I placed an order on 5/6. Didn’t receive email update on shipping. Not first time ordering and I’m here to stay. Just reaching out to verify status

UncleYoked's picture

DM me with the order # so I can verify

UncleYoked's picture

Site will be up and down today, working on some updates

Cap33's picture

Shout out to you Uncle Yoked for standing on what you believe in. Respect

SauceMonkey69's picture

What’s up dudes, looking for a little help here. Just fucked up the tendon to my bicep, looks like partial tear as of now but anyway, BPC 157 I’ve heard can help with recovery just looking for some insight on dosages and length of time I should use. Never really messed with peptides but this hurts lol help a brother out! Thanks

UncleYoked's picture

run TB500 and BPC together.
TB at 1-1.5mg per day
BPC 200 mcg 3x per day (some people go higher, some go lower)
Do it close to the location
Good luck with the healing brother

press1's picture

I would absolutely recommend running these 2 together nowadays, as they focus on different areas. The TB 500 mainly helps with Cell regeneration, where as the BPC helps bring Inflammation down and helps bring more blood flow and healing to the area. Together they are much more powerful than just running one or the other.

In a promo × 1
SauceMonkey69's picture

Thanks Unc, how long for bpc restock?

UncleYoked's picture

We're back up on the main site again. We're still playing cat and mouse, so maybe a little more back and forth to come

UncleYoked's picture

BTW for those of you who have the backup server address, that one is still up

Toproll's picture

lol oh great, the attack is back. Just for those wondering. I had placed an order pretty much right as all this was happening last time and still got my stuff a week later. I'm sure this will all get sorted out.

UncleYoked's picture

site is currently up

dpie89's picture

FYI- Still can’t get on. Getting a message that I’ve been blocked

UncleYoked's picture

just the DDos, the game is back on. Give it a day or two

classicbberx1's picture

Website down for anyone else?

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